Hello the world,
First of all, I’d like to say that I’m so excited about this opportunity to reach many people around the world through this interview with you. Even though I probably make some mistakes in my English, I did not want anyone to correct me as I would like to try to keep it as it is, just to stay who I am. Here is the introduction of Maiko Itai, Miss Japan 2010… Hope you’ll enjoy!
1. Please tell us something about yourself, your full name, age, height, vital stats, where you came from, educational information, your interests and hobbies and other important facts about yourself.あなたのことを教えてください。フル・ネーム、年齢・身長・出身・出身校・趣味、他あなたを説明する上で必要な情報など。
Full name: Maiko Itai
姓名:板井 麻衣子
Age: 26
Height: 173cm (5’8”)
Hometown: Usuki, Oita
Educational info: Graduated from Sophia University in Tokyo, which has one of the best qualities in Japan, majoring in Portuguese. Por isso eu falo Português.
Interests & Hobbies: Arts and architecture, traveling with my grandfather’s camera
Others: My house was built more than 200 years ago. It was a Samurai house in Edo era with traditional Japanese style. The reason why I mentioned it here is that is strongly influenced me to understand my country and our culture, and to make a base to be Japanese.
その他:私の実家は 200年以上前に建てらた、伝統的なスタイルの日本家屋で、江戸時代の武家屋敷です。この家で育ったことは日本の国、文化、そして日本人としての自分を理解する上で私に多大なる影響を与えてくれました。
2. Who influenced you to join your country’s national pageant prior to winning the title to represent your country at Miss Universe? How does he/she influence you to join your country’s national pageant?
I’d like to say that was my grandmother who has very high sense of beauty. She is now 78-year-old, dresses as me and she is still working at her own hair salon, looking forward to coming Las Vegas to see me…she keeps shining! It was not a direct influence, but she always makes me aware of the importance to be beautiful inside out and to be involved in the society. I put the photo of her on my blog once, so if you have time, check it please!. Sorry it’s in Japanese, but I think you will be surprised!
Here is the URL:
彼女が私にもたらした影響は直接的ではないけれども、私に何歳になっても社会に関わっていくこと、そして 内面・外見ともに美しくあることの大切さをいつも気づかせてくれます。
Here is the URL:
3. What are the preparations have you done for the coming Miss Universe 2010 competition?
One of the most important trainings for me is to gain weight with eating right foods and working out almost everyday at gym to make elegant curves. That’s about my appearance, and at the same level, as I just finished reading a book about Swedish style retirement house for old age, I always try to have time as possible as I can to get information to improve my knowledge and sensibility, following newspaper, recovering books I read before, going to museum, meeting new people, etc. There is no ending!! I’d like to continue searching for real beauty throughout my life.
4. What are your fashion sense and style?
Basically I prefer simple elegant looks for casual or formal events. But now I’m having fun to add some SPICES on it, for example with some accessories or with hair & make-up. I bought bright color leather gloves for the winter the other day, to put together with my grandmother’s classical black coat.
基本的にはカジュアルな際も、フォーマルな際もシンプルでエレガントなファッションが好きです。 そして、今はそのスタイルにスパイスを加えることを楽しむようになりました。例えば、アクセサリー、そしてヘア、メイクなどでも変化を加えられます。
5. What is your idea of fun? How do you enjoy yourself to have fun?
Challenging to do something new would be fun for me. When I have fun, happiness is always there. So, to feel happiness it’s also very important for me to be with people who enjoy their life, instead of being alone. We can make a spiral of the positive energy together! Because of that, I’m really enjoying the road to the coming Miss Universe 2010. Of course this is a huge challenge for me, and I’ve been training so hard, but I got wonderful supporters, and they help me a lot. I’m always thankful to them.
6. What is the essence of being a woman?
As a woman, I always try to keep “beauty” in my heart wherever I am, whatever I do and whomever I am with. There are many shapes and views about being beautiful, but I believe that’s important for women to be independent and shine with other women and men in any generation, with children as well.
7. Who is your hero/heroine? And why did you choose him/her as your hero/heroine?
During my childhood, I was always with my grandfather. He took me everywhere with his camera to photograph me. Though it has been 10 years since he passed away, he left me tons of pictures with such precious memories. He is still my hero.
子供時代、私はいつも祖父と一緒にいました。祖父はどこへでも私を一緒に連れて行き、得意のカメラでいつも私の写真を撮ってくれました。祖父が他界してから10年以上経った今でも、一緒に過ごした大切な記憶と、たくさんの写真に囲まれています。 彼は今でも私のヒーローです。
8. Which of the two would you choose and why?
-[Beautiful] or Smart.
I’d like to choose beautiful, because “beautiful” is not only beautiful, has much deeper aspects and meanings. For me, beauty has to include smartness as well as elegance, awareness, clearness, compassion, class, honesty, confidence from the bottom of our hearts… This importance of inner beauty is exactly what I learned from my mother, grandmother and other spectacular women I have ever met in my life.
私は「美」を選びます。「美」とは表面だけのことではなく、たくさんの意味と、側面を持っていると思うからです。 私にとって「美」は、知性、エレガンス、配慮、クリアであること、思いやり、品格、誠実さ、自信など沢山の意味を含むものです。その内面の「美」の大切さを、私は母、祖母、そして今までにお会いした素晴らしい女性達から学びました。
-[City] or Countryside.
Now I feel that the City gives me wider experiences and more opportunities to work and meet people. But I grew up in a small and incredibly warm community with rich nature, so I think, 20 years from now, I will probably prefer the countryside because there are a lot of beautiful places in Japan, like my hometown, Oita.
-[Money] or Fame.
富 or 名声
I think fame sometimes helps to get “voice”, but I don’t really care about being famous. That’s not my goal. If I can get a lot of money instead of fame, I’d like to use it to donate in effective way.
-Deaf or [Mute].
聴覚障害 or 言語障害
It is quite difficult to choose, but it will be incredibly difficult to lose my ability to hear sounds around me, especially the voices of my family and friends.
とても難しいチョイスですね。 けれど私の周りにある音、特に家族や友人の声が聞こえなくなると考えるのはとても辛いです。
-[Hot] or Cold.
熱い 冷たい
Actually the season which I like the best is autumn, a mild climate. I recommend you to visit Japan in autumn, because you will see the leaves turning beautifully in our country at that season. But anyway, through a year I usually don’t much drink and eat cold things, so maybe I prefer hot.
-Past or [Future].
過去 or 未来
I believe we can learn so many things from the past. And it always has to be used effectually in future, not only looking back. But for me more important thing than future is the present.
-[Lady Gaga] or Taylor Swift.
I cannot say many things about their music works, but a few months ago, I read one article about Lady Gaga, which made me reach to know MAC AIDS FUND, and I bought VIVA GLAM lipstick. Besides she accomplished so much being only 23-year-old, she is more influential for me.
彼女たちの音楽活動に関して私は批評はできませんが、何か月か前にLady Gagaに関する記事を読みんだことで、MACのエイズ基金活動の存在を知り、VIVA GLAM lipstickを購入しました。彼女は23歳にして成功を納めただけでなく、影響力のある人だと思いますが、
9. How do you see yourself five years from now?
In five years, I’ll be 31-year-old. And I’m positively dreaming about my exciting future, being happy with my family and valuable friends, connected to the society in which I believe. To make it become true, I don’t want to quit trying to be active, curious, beautiful, and to be with people. And…hopefully I will be with a great partner to spend the rest of our life together.
10. Are you involved in the HIV/AIDS awareness campaign in your country? -If yes, what organization/group you are involve in and how do you promote the organization’s/group’s cause?
あなたは 日本でHIV/AIDSの啓蒙活動に関わっていますか?
Unfortunately I couldn’t get a chance to participate in it yet. But a few months ago, I was involved in a charity auction, named Room To Read. We sold the right to have dinner together with Miss Japan 2010, me, at one of the most famous restaurants in Tokyo. It auctioned for about $900! I was surprised someone would bit that much to dine with me!! I already had dinner with the generous bidders, and then they gave me an iPad as a gift. Sorry for such a long answer, but I just want to add that right now I’m answering this interview with my iPad in the Shinkansen while getting back from Osaka to Tokyo:)
しかし、何か月か前「Room to Read」というチャリティーオークションに参加する機会がありました。私達は2010 ミス・ジャパンと東京の有名なレストランでディナーする権利を出し、$900で落札されました。
寛大な落札者と先日食事をし、プレゼントにI padを頂きました。
回答が長くなってしまいすみません・・実は今、大阪から戻る新幹線の中でI padを使ってこのインタビューを書いているので、その事をお伝えしたかったのです!
-If no, what organization/group would you like to join to help in promoting HIV awareness in your country?
Actually now I’m reading a book about HIV/AIDS, trying to know more about it, and I would like to find how I can be helpful. Miss Universe Japan already has partnership with Japanese Foundation of AIDS Prevention for about 10 years. So for sure we can arrange for instance, some campaigns or projects, after I come back from one year living in New York (!). And I’ll be really excited to collaborate with them, knowing such much more already from the expertise of the Miss Universe Organization.
ミス・ユニバース・ジャパンは過去10年の間、AIDS予防団体と提携を結んでいるので、ミス・ユニバースとして1年間のNY滞在から帰国した際には、その団体とキャンペーンやプロジェクトができたらと思っています。 その頃にはミス・ユニバース・オーガニゼーションでのより専門的な経験と知識を持っていると思うので、コラボレーションが楽しみです。
11. The Miss Universe Organization have been criticized for the seductive photos of the Miss USA 2010 delegates for having caused controversy with media outlets questioning the appropriateness of the pictures and whether or not they represent the proper ideals. Do you think it degrades women posing in bed wearing only lingerie?
Miss USA2010のファイナリスト?の挑発的な写真が、模範となる女性,または女性像を象徴するであろうミスコンとする者の写真としてふさわしいかどうかという事で物議がかもされています。 例えばランジェリーを身にまとっている女性がベッドでポーズを取っていることは女性の価値を下げると思いますか?
Six months ago, I couldn’t imagine at all that someone would be asking me a question like this! Only a few months ago, I was working for the local government in my hometown. At that time, I was quite a regular girl, working in the office of our City Hall and wearing only black or white shirts and tight long skirts with low heels. Now, I had to wear a swimsuit at the Japan finals and will wear a swimsuit in front of the world in Las Vegas, also even if not lingerie, it seems the same to me. Swimwear reflects fitness in my mind, and lingerie reflects a woman feminity. Also in my eyes there is nothing wrong with both. I know it can easily be seen from the one-sided way, also when I will have to be photographed in lingerie I will make sure that the pictures reflect elegance, confidence and project class in people mind. I believe women can keep being classy even when wearing little clothing.
12. What is the first thing you will do if you win the Miss Universe title?
I’ve never been to New York, so I’d like to visit Ground ZERO. The images of the sudden attack and destruction were all over the media in Japan and I would like to visit the site in memory of what happen. I will help me think about the message I will want to carry around the world for a year as Miss Universe. When I was studying at the university, I acquired museum attendant’s qualification, so there are also many museums that I’d like to go. And, I cannot wait to move around in taxi or by subway to see places!
NYを訪れたことがないので、Ground Zeroに行きたいと思います。
13. If you’re already a Miss Universe winner, how would you promote HIV/AIDS awareness all over the world?
For example in my country, we all studied the basic knowledge about HIV/AIDS at school. But afterwards, it kind of switch to a sexual disease and becomes very taboo in our society, which i think is a shame. It is very closed topic in Japan and little information is given throughout the media. As Miss Universe, I understand that the promotion of awereness around the world shouldn’t be uniform, it must be based on culture and other social differences. But I imagine one of the biggest duty as a Miss Universe is to be a role model for women in the world, also I would like to make a caravan to visit women in many different countries, talking about HIV/AIDS with them and listening to their stories or opinions as much as I can.
14. Other Miss Universe winners posed nude for some glossy magazines or photographers after their reign or even during their reign, if you are invited to also pose for nude will you accept it? Why or why not?
At this time, I don’t see my career as a performer, also I don’t think it will happen in my future. But I would definitely accept to do it only for a lot of money, in order to donate everything to a charity close to my heart.
15. Lastly, what are your special message to all the people reading this interview and tell them to support you and the Miss Universe pageant.
Thank you very much for reading till the end. I hope you could somehow feel my character in this interview!
Anyway, if you search my name on Internet, probably you will find many of my pictures with high-brand designer clothes, but I’d like to tell you that it is just one part of me. I like to be casual of course with jeans and a plain t-shirt. These gorgeous clothes definitely help me look nicer and I’m enjoying it. It is important to be mentally active, d in yourself, being with people who give you a good influence, and staying who yo reaming widely, believing u are. I hope I could reach inside of you with this small message:)
Now I have one more month since Miss Universe in Las Vegas, and I will keep training as best as I can, looking forward to seeing you in 23rd of August!
If I really can win, you’re all invited to celebrate with me in New York!!
Until then,
Best regards, Maiko Itai
Hello the world,
First of all, I'd like to say that I'm so excited about this opportunity to reach many people around the world through this interview with you. Even though I probably make some mistakes in my English, I did not want anyone to correct me as I would like to try to keep it as it is, just to stay who I am. Here is the introduction of Maiko Itai, Miss Japan 2010... Hope you'll enjoy!
1. Please tell us something about yourself, your full name, age, height, vital stats, where you came from, educational information, your interests and hobbies and other important facts about yourself.
Full name: Maiko Itai
姓名:板井 麻衣子
Age: 26
Height: 173cm (5’8”)
Hometown: Usuki, Oita
Educational info: Graduated from Sophia University in Tokyo, which has one of the best qualities in Japan, majoring in Portuguese. Por isso eu falo Português.
Interests & Hobbies: Arts and architecture, traveling with my grandfather's camera
Others: My house was built more than 200 years ago. It was a Samurai house in Edo era with traditional Japanese style. The reason why I mentioned it here is that is strongly influenced me to understand my country and our culture, and to make a base to be Japanese.
その他:私の実家は 200年以上前に建てらた、伝統的なスタイルの日本家屋で、江戸時代の武家屋敷です。この家で育ったことは日本の国、文化、そして日本人としての自分を理解する上で私に多大なる影響を与えてくれました。
2. Who influenced you to join your country’s national pageant prior to winning the title to represent your country at Miss Universe? How does he/she influence you to join your country’s national pageant?
I’d like to say that was my grandmother who has very high sense of beauty. She is now 78-year-old, dresses as me and she is still working at her own hair salon, looking forward to coming Las Vegas to see me…she keeps shining! It was not a direct influence, but she always makes me aware of the importance to be beautiful inside out and to be involved in the society. I put the photo of her on my blog once, so if you have time, check it please!. Sorry it's in Japanese, but I think you will be surprised!
Here is the URL:
彼女が私にもたらした影響は直接的ではないけれども、私に何歳になっても社会に関わっていくこと、そして 内面・外見ともに美しくあることの大切さをいつも気づかせてくれます。
Here is the URL:
3. What are the preparations have you done for the coming Miss Universe 2010 competition?
One of the most important trainings for me is to gain weight with eating right foods and working out almost everyday at gym to make elegant curves. That’s about my appearance, and at the same level, as I just finished reading a book about Swedish style retirement house for old age, I always try to have time as possible as I can to get information to improve my knowledge and sensibility, following newspaper, recovering books I read before, going to museum, meeting new people, etc. There is no ending!! I’d like to continue searching for real beauty throughout my life.
4. What are your fashion sense and style?
Basically I prefer simple elegant looks for casual or formal events. But now I’m having fun to add some SPICES on it, for example with some accessories or with hair & make-up. I bought bright color leather gloves for the winter the other day, to put together with my grandmother’s classical black coat.
基本的にはカジュアルな際も、フォーマルな際もシンプルでエレガントなファッションが好きです。 そして、今はそのスタイルにスパイスを加えることを楽しむようになりました。例えば、アクセサリー、そしてヘア、メイクなどでも変化を加えられます。
5. What is your idea of fun? How do you enjoy yourself to have fun?
Challenging to do something new would be fun for me. When I have fun, happiness is always there. So, to feel happiness it’s also very important for me to be with people who enjoy their life, instead of being alone. We can make a spiral of the positive energy together! Because of that, I’m really enjoying the road to the coming Miss Universe 2010. Of course this is a huge challenge for me, and I’ve been training so hard, but I got wonderful supporters, and they help me a lot. I’m always thankful to them.
6. What is the essence of being a woman?
As a woman, I always try to keep “beauty” in my heart wherever I am, whatever I do and whomever I am with. There are many shapes and views about being beautiful, but I believe that’s important for women to be independent and shine with other women and men in any generation, with children as well.
7. Who is your hero/heroine? And why did you choose him/her as your hero/heroine?
During my childhood, I was always with my grandfather. He took me everywhere with his camera to photograph me. Though it has been 10 years since he passed away, he left me tons of pictures with such precious memories. He is still my hero.
子供時代、私はいつも祖父と一緒にいました。祖父はどこへでも私を一緒に連れて行き、得意のカメラでいつも私の写真を撮ってくれました。祖父が他界してから10年以上経った今でも、一緒に過ごした大切な記憶と、たくさんの写真に囲まれています。 彼は今でも私のヒーローです。
8. Which of the two would you choose and why?
-[Beautiful] or Smart.
I'd like to choose beautiful, because “beautiful” is not only beautiful, has much deeper aspects and meanings. For me, beauty has to include smartness as well as elegance, awareness, clearness, compassion, class, honesty, confidence from the bottom of our hearts... This importance of inner beauty is exactly what I learned from my mother, grandmother and other spectacular women I have ever met in my life.
私は「美」を選びます。「美」とは表面だけのことではなく、たくさんの意味と、側面を持っていると思うからです。 私にとって「美」は、知性、エレガンス、配慮、クリアであること、思いやり、品格、誠実さ、自信など沢山の意味を含むものです。その内面の「美」の大切さを、私は母、祖母、そして今までにお会いした素晴らしい女性達から学びました。
-[City] or Countryside.
Now I feel that the City gives me wider experiences and more opportunities to work and meet people. But I grew up in a small and incredibly warm community with rich nature, so I think, 20 years from now, I will probably prefer the countryside because there are a lot of beautiful places in Japan, like my hometown, Oita.
-[Money] or Fame.
富 or 名声
I think fame sometimes helps to get "voice", but I don't really care about being famous. That's not my goal. If I can get a lot of money instead of fame, I'd like to use it to donate in effective way.
-Deaf or [Mute].
聴覚障害 or 言語障害
It is quite difficult to choose, but it will be incredibly difficult to lose my ability to hear sounds around me, especially the voices of my family and friends.
とても難しいチョイスですね。 けれど私の周りにある音、特に家族や友人の声が聞こえなくなると考えるのはとても辛いです。
-[Hot] or Cold.
熱い 冷たい
Actually the season which I like the best is autumn, a mild climate. I recommend you to visit Japan in autumn, because you will see the leaves turning beautifully in our country at that season. But anyway, through a year I usually don’t much drink and eat cold things, so maybe I prefer hot.
-Past or [Future].
過去 or 未来
I believe we can learn so many things from the past. And it always has to be used effectually in future, not only looking back. But for me more important thing than future is the present.
-[Lady Gaga] or Taylor Swift.
I cannot say many things about their music works, but a few months ago, I read one article about Lady Gaga, which made me reach to know MAC AIDS FUND, and I bought VIVA GLAM lipstick. Besides she accomplished so much being only 23-year-old, she is more influential for me.
彼女たちの音楽活動に関して私は批評はできませんが、何か月か前にLady Gagaに関する記事を読みんだことで、MACのエイズ基金活動の存在を知り、VIVA GLAM lipstickを購入しました。彼女は23歳にして成功を納めただけでなく、影響力のある人だと思いますが、
9. How do you see yourself five years from now?
In five years, I'll be 31-year-old. And I'm positively dreaming about my exciting future, being happy with my family and valuable friends, connected to the society in which I believe. To make it become true, I don’t want to quit trying to be active, curious, beautiful, and to be with people. And…hopefully I will be with a great partner to spend the rest of our life together.
10. Are you involved in the HIV/AIDS awareness campaign in your country? -If yes, what organization/group you are involve in and how do you promote the organization’s/group’s cause?
あなたは 日本でHIV/AIDSの啓蒙活動に関わっていますか?
Unfortunately I couldn’t get a chance to participate in it yet. But a few months ago, I was involved in a charity auction, named Room To Read. We sold the right to have dinner together with Miss Japan 2010, me, at one of the most famous restaurants in Tokyo. It auctioned for about $900! I was surprised someone would bit that much to dine with me!! I already had dinner with the generous bidders, and then they gave me an iPad as a gift. Sorry for such a long answer, but I just want to add that right now I’m answering this interview with my iPad in the Shinkansen while getting back from Osaka to Tokyo:)
しかし、何か月か前「Room to Read」というチャリティーオークションに参加する機会がありました。私達は2010 ミス・ジャパンと東京の有名なレストランでディナーする権利を出し、$900で落札されました。
寛大な落札者と先日食事をし、プレゼントにI padを頂きました。
回答が長くなってしまいすみません・・実は今、大阪から戻る新幹線の中でI padを使ってこのインタビューを書いているので、その事をお伝えしたかったのです!
-If no, what organization/group would you like to join to help in promoting HIV awareness in your country?
Actually now I’m reading a book about HIV/AIDS, trying to know more about it, and I would like to find how I can be helpful. Miss Universe Japan already has partnership with Japanese Foundation of AIDS Prevention for about 10 years. So for sure we can arrange for instance, some campaigns or projects, after I come back from one year living in New York (!). And I'll be really excited to collaborate with them, knowing such much more already from the expertise of the Miss Universe Organization.
ミス・ユニバース・ジャパンは過去10年の間、AIDS予防団体と提携を結んでいるので、ミス・ユニバースとして1年間のNY滞在から帰国した際には、その団体とキャンペーンやプロジェクトができたらと思っています。 その頃にはミス・ユニバース・オーガニゼーションでのより専門的な経験と知識を持っていると思うので、コラボレーションが楽しみです。
11. The Miss Universe Organization have been criticized for the seductive photos of the Miss USA 2010 delegates for having caused controversy with media outlets questioning the appropriateness of the pictures and whether or not they represent the proper ideals. Do you think it degrades women posing in bed wearing only lingerie?
Miss USA2010のファイナリスト?の挑発的な写真が、模範となる女性,または女性像を象徴するであろうミスコンとする者の写真としてふさわしいかどうかという事で物議がかもされています。 例えばランジェリーを身にまとっている女性がベッドでポーズを取っていることは女性の価値を下げると思いますか?
Six months ago, I couldn’t imagine at all that someone would be asking me a question like this! Only a few months ago, I was working for the local government in my hometown. At that time, I was quite a regular girl, working in the office of our City Hall and wearing only black or white shirts and tight long skirts with low heels. Now, I had to wear a swimsuit at the Japan finals and will wear a swimsuit in front of the world in Las Vegas, also even if not lingerie, it seems the same to me. Swimwear reflects fitness in my mind, and lingerie reflects a woman feminity. Also in my eyes there is nothing wrong with both. I know it can easily be seen from the one-sided way, also when I will have to be photographed in lingerie I will make sure that the pictures reflect elegance, confidence and project class in people mind. I believe women can keep being classy even when wearing little clothing.
12. What is the first thing you will do if you win the Miss Universe title?
I’ve never been to New York, so I’d like to visit Ground ZERO. The images of the sudden attack and destruction were all over the media in Japan and I would like to visit the site in memory of what happen. I will help me think about the message I will want to carry around the world for a year as Miss Universe. When I was studying at the university, I acquired museum attendant's qualification, so there are also many museums that I’d like to go. And, I cannot wait to move around in taxi or by subway to see places!
NYを訪れたことがないので、Ground Zeroに行きたいと思います。
13. If you’re already a Miss Universe winner, how would you promote HIV/AIDS awareness all over the world?
For example in my country, we all studied the basic knowledge about HIV/AIDS at school. But afterwards, it kind of switch to a sexual disease and becomes very taboo in our society, which i think is a shame. It is very closed topic in Japan and little information is given throughout the media. As Miss Universe, I understand that the promotion of awereness around the world shouldn't be uniform, it must be based on culture and other social differences. But I imagine one of the biggest duty as a Miss Universe is to be a role model for women in the world, also I would like to make a caravan to visit women in many different countries, talking about HIV/AIDS with them and listening to their stories or opinions as much as I can.
14. Other Miss Universe winners posed nude for some glossy magazines or photographers after their reign or even during their reign, if you are invited to also pose for nude will you accept it? Why or why not?
At this time, I don't see my career as a performer, also I don't think it will happen in my future. But I would definitely accept to do it only for a lot of money, in order to donate everything to a charity close to my heart.
15. Lastly, what are your special message to all the people reading this interview and tell them to support you and the Miss Universe pageant.
Thank you very much for reading till the end. I hope you could somehow feel my character in this interview!
Anyway, if you search my name on Internet, probably you will find many of my pictures with high-brand designer clothes, but I'd like to tell you that it is just one part of me. I like to be casual of course with jeans and a plain t-shirt. These gorgeous clothes definitely help me look nicer and I'm enjoying it. It is important to be mentally active, d in yourself, being with people who give you a good influence, and staying who yo reaming widely, believing u are. I hope I could reach inside of you with this small message:)
Now I have one more month since Miss Universe in Las Vegas, and I will keep training as best as I can, looking forward to seeing you in 23rd of August!
If I really can win, you're all invited to celebrate with me in New York!!
Until then,
Best regards, Maiko Itai