Answering my comments – I cannot gain weight, help!

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Hello. My name is Green. I’m 19 years old.

I always check your blog. I love you, Ines!! And, I respect you. Leaving comment in your blog is first time, also I’m little nervous:)

Because I trust your advice, I would like to know how to get weight and bust up. I have a complex of my body. I have been underweight since I was a child. I am 160 cm and 43kg. I tried to eat a lot and many times. But I cannot get weight. Some people speak ill about my body.

I am really sad and I hate my body. Can you give me some advice?


Dear Green,

Have you checked your Thyroid? You might suffer from Hyperthyroidism disorder. Because thyroid problems can also lead to anxiety and depression, you should see your Doctor and tell him to check your T3 & T$ levels. This can be found with a simple blood sample. It is very possible that you just have an overactive metabolism.

The most straightforward explanation is that people who have a hard time gaining weight (ectomorphs) simply have fewer muscle and fat cells to absorb the extra bulk than more athletic types. Fortunately, tests have shown that weight training can add new muscle cells, a process called hyperplasia. This is a lot more work than simply strengthening existing muscle cells, admittedly, but you can take some comfort in the fact that the new muscle cells stay with you all your life, even if you knock off weight training later on.

What you need is a systematic weight gain program: eating (lots of carbohydrates, a fair amount of protein, no junk) plus weight lifting, with an emphasis on upper body exercises–six to eight repetitions per exercise with heavy weights. Increase the weight as soon as you can do more than eight reps. Patience is advised. The common wisdom among weight lifters is that you can gain about seven pounds of pure muscle a year. This may seem a little slow, but it can be done as long as you have the Proper Attitude.

This is exactly the problem that a few past winners or finalists have faced in the past. Two of them were Maiko Itai and Natsuko Saito. I will ask them to comment on this post and to tell you, in Japanese, what they did to gain beautiful-weight.

Good luck Green, and love your body!!!!!!!!!


ps: as a bonus, see some pictures below, of Maiko while exercising to built up muscles before competiting at the Miss Universe 2010 competition in Las Vegas.

Maiko, pls give some advises (in Japanese) to Green and I am sure other women will benefits from it. Love you.

コメントへの返信 – 体重が増えなくて困っています!

  • English
  • 日本語


私はイネスさんが大好きでとても尊敬しており、いつもブログをチェックしています。今回初めてコメントをしており、ちょっと緊張しています :)











PS: おまけですが、麻衣子がラスベガスで行われた2010ミス・ユニバース世界大会に出場する前にやっていた筋力トレーニングの様子を紹介します。


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