Thank you so much for your advice before about gluten and lactose. I would like to give you a progress report about my son.
After your advice, we stopped using any gluten or lactose products at home. However, they give the children milk and biscuits for snack at school. We have to have a note from the doctor for the school to cooperate with us. We couldn’t get a note from the doctor because it is not a serious allergy. We asked the psychiatrist but the doctor said there was no president.
We will avoid these products at home and hope that will make some difference.
I have another son and the doctor said he should be watched as well. He developed very slowly when he was a baby, but after turning 1 year old, he is developing really quickly and now he is talking.
We are restricting his diet in the same way, but the health center said they were worried about the calcium intake. I will continue doing all I can. Sometimes I feel really down, but reading your blog gives me power.
I will continue to read your blog.
Dear Chieko,
I am very glad to hear that you have started the no-dairy / no-gluten diet. Actually it should not be so difficult for Japanese people, as before there was rice, rice pasta and tofu. But no cookies, cheeros, milk, cheese and yogurt in your daily diet. Also why changing this to a poisonous diet coming from overseas, when Japanese food is the healthiest in the world…?
But, one thing for sure is that you need to give your sons some calcium supplementation and also vitamins to balance the no-dairy diet.
Other then milk & dairy products there are several other types of non-dairy sources of calcium that you can opt as to ensure your daily calcium intake. The soft bones of fish, as with sardines, pilchards and tinned salmon, provide us with valuable calcium. Other useful sources include Soya bean products, such as tofu, as well as sesame seeds, nuts, white bread, dried fruit, pulses and green leafy vegetables. Okra and curly kale are also rich vegetable sources of calcium. Soya milk alternatives, bottled water, breakfast cereals and orange juice are also fortified with extra calcium.
Forget about calcium from milk! There is very limited of calcium which can be absorbed by the human. Milk is for cow that’s it. Do you know any mammals that still drink milk after 9 months old? Not one. Nature is made specifically that when there is teeth inside the mouth, it is time to start eating solid food and stopping the milk. I have some Japanese friends who breastfeed their child until 2 years old or even more and this is wrong. The only thing that will come out of t is an anxious kid, small and skinny and later on with sexual issues!
Oops, back to the topic, sorry…. You should give your son the following supplements (vitamins, amino-acids and mineral) on a daily basis.
- A good multi-vitamins
- Zinc 50 mg for 2 weeks (super important)
- a pure fish oil
- magnesium and calcium
I buy from Nature Made
Regarding the school, for sure if you want to see good results you have to withdraw completely dairy and gluten, this is a must. I can help you to get a certificate from my doctor stating that your sons are intolerant to dairy and gluten. (maybe also to white egg which is very common). You should require your doctor to run the food intolerance IgI test, also you will be able to find out for sure for both of them.
Please contact my personal health practitioner, Ken Kitahara at e-mail to for more medical information. And if you come to Tokyo even better, do the tests with him.
This post is for you Chieko, but also for you Ben, for your little brother. I am so proud of what you both are doing. You are doing the right thing. See the story of these parents as well. We all have the same story. D not feel down, because you are going to be so happy in a year with the difference, I promise!
Important suggestion is to read this story of a mother, Karen Seroussi, who has recovered her son as well.
and the story of celebrity Jenny McCarty and actor Jim Carey at:
Big smiles. With love,
ps: check this post in Japanese by clicking the button at the right corner at the top of this post. Translation are made within 24 hours after I write always. Special thanks to Abece.
コメントへの返答 (ChiekoとBenへ)
アドバイスを受け、すぐに家庭内での摂取をやめて、うるち米や豆乳等を代用として過ごしてまいりました。しかし、残念ながら現在スクールに通っているのですが、そこで毎日コップ1杯のミルクと給食やおやつの時間などによく小麦を使ったおやつを摂取しています。スクールでの除去のためには医師の診断書が必要で普通のアレルギーでは診断が無理だったため、精神科の専門医にもお願いしたところ残念ながら事例がないと いうことで、無理でした。
- 良質なマルチビタミン
- 亜鉛50mg 2週間(とっても重要)
- ピュアフィッシュオイル
- マグネシウムとカルシウム
私はNature Madeで買っているわ。次のURLをチェックしてみて。
私の主治医、キタハラケン( )に連絡して、詳細情報を聞いてみて(メールアドレスは )。もし東京に来られるなら、彼のクリニックでテストしてもらうといいわ。
Karen Seroussiも息子を治した母親の一人よ。是非この記事を読んでみてね。
Big smiles. With love,