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  • 日本語

1.Age wise I am an adult; however, I think I am still like a child and need daily effort to become more mature. I think reading is an important part of this process and growing up. Do you have any books you recommend for me to read to become a world-class mature woman?

I do not not know what to recommend for you about books or novels as you must be reading in Japanese and I cannot… I suggest you read fashion magazines like Vogue, Elle, Marie=Claire, Bazaar, Domani, Bi-Story, Galmorous and Classy. You will get lot of visual ideas to dress like a world class woman. Also they always have interesting interviews of women from around the wold. Most importantly, you should read newspapers every day in order to develop your own opinion about social issues and world events. It is the most important to go through the process of becoming mature in an intelligent way.

2. I love fashion. This is a question regarding winter-fashion. I usually like to wear clothes that show-off my neckline, but in the winter I often wear turtlenecks. If you have any fashion items you recommend for the winter, please let me know.

I love wearing a Gap white-t-shirt with a fur coat in winter and jeans. I hate to cover up with turtlenecks, I feel like a turtle myself. The most seductive part of a woman in winter to show of is actually her neck.

I suggest to wear a V neck or low cut and to have a scarf to wear around the neck if cold. I found amazing woolen scarfs at H&M stores. I bought a black and a gray one with skeleton of a giant fish printed on it.

Also, at the kids section in H&M Harajuku, they sell colorful scarf for children that I wear as well even though I bought them for my sons in lime-green and in blue-indigo.

I love fun hats for the winter as well and high leather boots with leggings. I also found lots of them in H&M or Zara. I bought a few wigs and wear the as a hat, they keep me war and they are fun for a quick new look! I have some fabulous ones but more expensive, and of a really nice quality at Gucci and Celine. I fancy the accessories at Patrizia Peppe, you should check it out. Maiko wore one of Patrizia Peppe sparkling-dress for the opening of the Miss Japan show, the other night. I actually changed her dress just before the show starts, because I did nt like what she was wearing.

You can find cool gloves in stores around Harajuku on the weekends and maybe you will bump into… ME!

3. I have always been short, and I have the tendency to gain weight easily and I was fat up until I was in my second year of high school. When I was in my 3rd year of high school, I became determined to loose weight and lost 10 Kg by not eating. However, I developed an eating disorder and struggled until the age of 24. Now I have mostly overcome my eating disorder and can eat normally, but I am gaining weight again and feel like I am returning to my former self. For a person like me, how do you think I can diet and keep my figure? Please give me some advice.

The first thing to do is to check if your metabolism is not too slow because of your thyroid not working correctly. It could simply be an hypothyroidism problem. Also I recommend you to see your doctor and to ask him to run a T3 and T4 tests on you. It is very important to do both.
It is very simple and covered by your insurance, it is a blood test to identify an under-active thyroid (hypothyroidism), which can be indicated by such common symptoms as fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, thinning hair and chronic constipation.

Doctors believe as many as 30% of women may suffer mild hypothyroidism by midlife and that it might be a cause of everything from chronic disease to depression.

Usually a regular doctor will test for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (T4) if TSH is low. But, you need to get T3 tested as well, because it is possible for someone to have enough T4 but not enough T3. This is my case. This is just one of the reasons why, so many people are told by their doctor, that their thyroid is working properly, when it isn’t.

For more information, if you can read English visit: or . For informative sites in Japanese visit: e-mail to ask my physician, Ken Kitahara for assistance, his clinic is located in center Tokyo.

Regarding food, just eat healthy meals and small quantities. Buy Erica Angyal book it is full of good advises.

Also, you might need to exercise maybe more than you do. Because you need to burn calories to keep thin. Good luck dear, most of the women on this planet have a weight problem…


4. I have this problem where my body gets really cold easily. I always wear socks and make sure to dress warm, but still my hands and feet get ice cold. They say that letting your body get cold will cause other illnesses (in Japan) so I want to fix this condition. Do you know of any fundamental ways to fix my condition? Please give me some advice.

For sure it is your Thyroid! Go test and do not forget to run the T3 test as well.It changed my life after i found out. I was always freezing….


5. I have so much acne on my face and neck. I can’t get it to clear up no matter what. Can you tell me how I can clear up my skin?

First of all, go to your doctor and check your hormone balance.

The more effective is to buy Proactiv and use it everyday for at least 3 months on the area where you have acne. I have seen spectacular results with the finalists and friends since the past 8 years. It is easy just order it from the TV or buy it from the Proactiv vending machines that are available in Tokyo (if you live in Tokyo). Also it is very safe because I have never seen any sad effects.

Be careful to be eating healthy always and make sure you drink a lot of water.

And a last, if sadly your case is indeed very dramatic, then check this site at
If you decide to order this Pantothenic Acid treatment as per Dr Leung, please be aware that you might experience some side effects, just to inform you.

Also check your food intolerances and if I were you the first thing i would try to do is to cut completly dairy and milk from my diet for week and to see what happen.

Unlike food allergy tests, intolerance tests are not available in regular doctor checks at the hospital, but you have to ask for it specifically. Also ask your doctor to run a IgG test, he can do it, I had it done in Japan at

You found out which foods to avoid from your diet. These tests are a great start, I found out I am intolerant to sea-food, white egg and yeast. I ran the tests for my 3 sons and they are all intolerant to a different kind of food. (Luca is intolerant to milk & white egg; Noa to salmon & sesame; Ben to tuna.)


6. Hello Ines. How do you think is best to deal with criticism, bullying, or teasing? Is it best to just smile, ignore it, or retaliate?

I want to meet these people with you and to scare them a bit!!! Do not let yourself being bullied. Just shut their mouth, politely but with confidence and they will stop. People bullies or tease people when they feel they are superior to them, it is a way for them to feel powerful. You must be more tough than them. Show that you are not impressed by them and tell them to simply shut up! You know I have been seriously bullied when I was young also I know how you feel. Do not let anyone make you feel sad. Think about me when it happens and look up with confidence. I will be right there with you, in energy.


Love always, ines


  • English
  • 日本語

1. 私は年齢的には大人なのですが、中身はまだまだ子供という気がします。大人の女性になるために日々の努力が必要でしょうけど、成長するためには読書が必要だと思っています。世界で通用する成熟した女性になるために、お勧めの本はありますか?

日本語の本を希望でしょうから、日本語が読めない私から小説などはお勧め出来ないわ。まずお勧めするのは、Vogue、Elle、Marie=Claire、Bazaar、Domani、Bi-Story、Galmorous 、Classyなどのファッション雑誌かしら。世界的な女性のファッションについてのビジュアル的なアイデアを得られると思うわ。世界で活躍している女性の興味深いインタビューも載っているし。最も重要なのは毎日、新聞を読んで社会問題や世界の出来事についての自分の意見を持つこと。大人の女性を目指すなら、まずは大人のアタマを持つことよ。

2. 私はファッションが大好きです。私の質問は冬のファッションについてです。私は、デコルテが目立つ服が好きなのですが、冬になるとタートルネックを着ることが多いです。冬場のファッションアイテムでお勧めのものがありましたら、教えていただけますか。




冬は帽子をかぶったり、レギンスにレザーのロングブーツをはくのも好き。H&MやZARAで色々売ってるわ。帽子代わりにかぶるウィグもいくつか買ったわ。ウィグをかぶれば暖かいし、見かけも変わって楽しいの。素敵なアイテムをいくつか持っているけど、本当に高価で品質も良いのはGucciとCelineのものね。Patrizia Peppeの小物も素敵よ。ぜひチェックしてみて。麻衣子がMUJのショーのオープニングで着ていたキラキラ輝くドレスはPatrizia Peppeのもの。あの日、彼女が着る予定だったドレスが良くなったから、ショーが始まる直前に着替えさせたのよ。


3. 私は背が低くて、太りやすい体質です。高校2年までは太っていました。3年の時にダイエットすることを決心して、食事制限して10Kgやせました。でも、その後摂食障害で24歳まで苦しみました。摂食障害については今ではほとんど克服し、通常の食事をとれるようになりました。その代り体重がまた増えてきて、昔の自分に戻りそうで怖いです。私のような人がダイエットして、体型を維持することは出来るのでしょうか。アドバイスをいただけますか。




詳細については、英語を読めるなら または をチェックして。 日本語のサイトなら、 をチェックするか、私の主治医、キタハラ・ケンにメールして(。彼のクリニックは都内にあるわ。



4. 私の問題は、冷え性についてです。常に靴下をはいて暖かい洋服を着ているのに、手と足は氷のように冷たいまま。日本では体が冷えると、他の病気の原因になると言われています。この症状を治したいのですが、何か根本的な治療法をご存じではないですか。アドバイスをお願いします。


5. 顔と首にたくさんのニキビがあります。何をしてもきれいになりません。肌をきれいにする方法を教えていただけますか。


Proactiv (プロアクティブ)を買って、最低3ヶ月間ニキビができた箇所に使ってみるのも効果が期待できるわ。過去8年間に、ファイナリストや友人たちはびっくりするぐらい良くなったの。TV通販で簡単に注文できるし、東京在住なら自動販売機で購入も可能よ。副作用的なものは今まで見たことないから、とても安全!




U食物アレルギーのテストと違って、食物不耐性のテストは通常の健康診断では行われないから特別にリクエストしてね。また、医者にIgG(免疫グロブリンG)テストができるか尋ねることも必要よ。私は、その検査を日本で受けたわ。 をチェックして。


6. こんにちはイネスさん。非難されたり、いじめられたり、からかわれた時どうすべきでしょうか?笑顔でそれを無視するのか、それとも報復をするのが良いのでしょうか。


Love always, ines

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