Poisonned Kids, Mothers Battle Autism

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Actress Jenny McCarthy and Holly Robinson Peete on Oprah’s TV show.


If your child stopped speaking, wouldn’t look you in the eye and completely ignored the world around them, what would you do?

In her new book, “Louder Than Words”, A Mother’s Journey in Healing Autism, actress Jenny McCarthy shares her emotional story of diagnosis, hope, faith and recovery-a journey many thousands of parents now face.

Riyo and my angel-Luca 

…and then the nurse gave [Evan] the [MMR] shot,” she says. “And I remember going, ‘Oh, God, I hope he’s right.’ And soon thereafter-boom-the soul’s gone from his eyes.”

In 2002, Jenny gave birth to a beautiful baby boy she named Evan. As an infant, Evan was full of life, making eye contact and smiling, but soon things started to change. “God was giving me many hints about my son, and I didn’t quite see them,” she says. “So I know that he had to wake me up with two really big ones.”


Click here for the entire story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sadly, this is our little son’s story as well. (Luca was injured by a DTP vaccination). I hope that sharing our story will prevent other Childs of getting injured as well.

By talking openly about mercury poisoned kids, we Moms hope people will begin to change their perception of these children who live with it every day.


We need to value these kids and need to stop thinking about them as children who are retarded. We need to stop thinking about them as children who don’t have the capacity to learn, because they DO.


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