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Riyo with Yuka and Meri


You should make your reservation now. This ball is always fun. We will be there again after 3 consecutive years, with a fashion show.

We are proud to be involved in this event.




Top 5 at Miss Universe in 2003, Miyako Miyazaki poses for a Breast Cancer Campaign, photographed by Marc Albert


Run for The Cure!

Getting ready for the run. (Riyo in a black/blue strips adidas jumsuits). I am walking with my son Noa on the right, I will be among the first ones to start the run and will be THE LAST one to pass the arrival banner! OMG…. ).

I have a story to tell….. 

A few years ago, before the 5 km run around the Imperial Palace, we had the opportunity, the finalists and myself, to get a mammography in a van on site. We never imagined what would happen later.

In fact, 2 weeks afterwards, one of the finalist received a letter from the Doctor informing her that she had breast cancer!    

It was a chocking news as we have just started the competition and that very intensive training and numerous events were ahead. The Doctor stated that she should be in the hospital right away.

We could never have guessed that something was going really wrong “in her”. All the other girls always envied her beautiful breast. The luck had turned around and we had to fight with her.

She went through ups-and-downs and it was very intense for all of us. But she got lots of support and tons of love from everyone during the competition. She slowly got treated.

She is now 100% fine. I see her often, and she is happy.


Early Detection

Both my mother and myself went through breast cancer. Trust me, it does not happen only to others!! But to any woman.

Go get a mammography because once again, early detection can save your life.



私と私の母親は乳がんでした。皆さん是非検査に行ってください。 早く行けば治ります!! 


  • English
  • 日本語

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