Michael Jackson arrives in Tokyo with Kurara

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Kurara welcomed him before he comes out of the gates at the airport together with his 3 children.

The finalists gave Michael gifts from Samantha Kingz, jewelry and bags.    I went shopping for him earlier in the day, very interesting to shop for a legend like him….!

 Kurara spent 30 mn with Michael and his 3 children waiting to come out. Many televisions called to ask her what they talked about. Amazing experience for her.

Ater the craziness of the fan, we managed to the parking and waited while everyone from his entourage was getting back together. Michael and his family were in the car with the bodyguards around the car, and the staff getting busy arranging for his next move to his hotel. Thanks to Dan Smith of ACTV and to MO at Morris Production for giving us the opportunity to meet Michael in such a unique way.

 See more photos at www.wireimage.com , and search for Michael Jackson

This lucky girl was chosen among the crowd to be standing with the finalists right at the door so that she could shake hand with him, she almost passed out!!!

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