Dinner at Ducasse chez Chanel in Ginza

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  • 日本語
Imagine you are invited by “la Maison Chanel” for a dinner in its building in the heart of Ginza. When you arrive fin the ront of the magnificient Chanel boutique, a strikking 3-story glass building, with show windows the size of the “Arc de Triomphe”, you park your car on the first floor, inside a dressing room style (cabine) surrounded by a display of neon lights reproducing the famous Chanel logo.   
 And when you leave your car has been perfumed with Chanel 5!!!
My dear friend Francois Barbe, (“un enfant du Sud” de la France tout comme moi) President  in Japan of Private Banking for the Societe Generale hosted me among of 5 other people. The dinner was spectacular, the wine incredible.
The General Manager of Medecins du Monde gave a speech and explain their activities and goals for their foundation in Japanese and in French.
Some pictures with lots of thanks to Francois for hosting us. I loved as well the classical recital given before the dinner.
{All profits form the dinner were donated to Medecins du Monde}

Francois Barbe on the right. On the left, Takahashi san, General Manager of Sekai Bunkacha publishing company. Such a gentleman, always nice seeing you.

  • English
  • 日本語

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