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私も昨日、恵比寿にある「White Whiteでレーザーを使った歯のホワイトニングに行って来たの。White White のさとこ先生は私の大のお気に入りの歯医者さん。さとこ先生とは何年かの付き合いだけど、カリスマのあるプロフェッショナルな先生で、彼女と出会ってから他の歯医者には行っていないわ。さとこ先生に歯のお手入れをお願いする事をお進めするわよ。

全く痛みが無いから先生が歯の治療をしている1時間はiPhone で音楽を聞きながらリラックス出来るの。



Whitening my teeth was on my agenda yesterday

Have your teeth become darker and yellowed over the years? Dental researchers have discovered a simple, safe, and inexpensive technique to manage discolored teeth, in order to obtain this Hollywood smile as seen in the movies. A customized tray is fabricated for the application of gentle bleaching agents at home. I keep it for a 30 mn each time, 3 times a week for a month. I do it twice a year.

I went to whiten my teeth with laser yesterday, at White White clinic near the Ebisu station. With Satoko sensei who is my favorite dentist in town. I have worked with Satoko for a few years. She is very professional and charismatic and since then I know her, I have never visited any other dental clinic. I highly recommend you to have Satoko take care of you.

I spent one relaxing hour, when she was applying different produits on my teeth, it is compeletely painless also i listened to soft music on my i-Phone while she was working.

She said that the bottom of my upper 4 front teeth was not smooth and straight anymore also she polished it very gently for few minutes and now it looks like my teeth are new, they are all the same length and soft!

An hour later, i came out of the clinic with a bright smile! It is expensive but so worth it! My message to you is instead of buying a designer bag, go make your teeth beautiful! A beautiful smile is your best accessory and a magnet for handsome men!!

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