Arriving at the airport in Hong Kong after a short 4 hours flight.
I took my parents to Hong Kong for 3 days to show them this incredible city. We lived in Hong Kong from 1994 to 1997 with my husband. I was then Director of IMG Models for Asia-Pacific. They were blown away by the energy of the city. Truly Hong Kong is a must see / experience for anyone alive!
je t’aime Maman! I love you Mommy.
We bought the same cashmere sweater in a different color, at the Peninsula Hotel in Kowloon, after having lunch there.
The view from the 76th floor when the W pool is located. My parents were watching my boys swimming. The view is incredible. The pool area is called WET…
The W Hoetl… my favorite chain of hotels. Staying at any W hotels in the world is a smart move. Hong Kong W is my favorite.
We had diner at the Ritz Carlton on the 103th floor with Ricco and Virginia De Blank who invited us in honor of my parents, sweet!
In my parents’ room waiting for them to be ready to go explore.
I like to read the news in the local paper, it tells you a lot of what is really happening inside the country. South China Morning Post is Hong Kong newspaper.