GUERLAIN simply for the best!

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Sunday 5th of June, Guerlain

Here we are at an evening event hosted by Guerlain at the diamond Hall in Omotesando

where I spoke to 400 women from all over Japan for an hour about the benefit of healthy routine and mental positiveness toward beauty.


Just before the earthquake last march, a total of 1,900 women in their 3o’s applied to attend this event, but unfortunately only 400 women were invited to come meet me.


I am really touched that so many women are interested in meeting me. I could not believe my ears when I was told…. It is very honorific, stimulating and deeply humbling. I sincerely hope that I am not disappointing anyone. My apologies if I do.



The most touching and amazing during my speeches is that I see so many women taking notes… aligato gozaimasu mina san.



I spoke about not using the elevator at home and walking almost everyday the 42 floors leading to my apartment.

I spoke about diet, supplementation, exercising in a special way to transform your body

I talked about archiving goals in life…. and about love and marriage… the tools of seduction

I explained the benefits of body treatment done institute, and also how i do my own self-care at home.



There was no time for questions from he audience, because too many people. I spoke for an hour total… and then I went back to my room.

I received a call on Skype as my computer was on, it was my son #2 Noa, we spoke a little bit and he asked me: ” Mommy were these ladies happy to meet you? You said they waited since the earthquake…”. I realized that I did not have a chance to meet anyone…. I felt it was not right, also I put back my shoes back on and left the room with little Noa still connected on Slype with me. Emiko, my assistant grabbed the computer and followed me so that Noa could be with me.


I waited for everyone to exit the event room and staterd to say goodbye. It was interesting to see the reactions on people face, because they were not expecting me at the door standing and saying goodnight.

Then everyone started peacefully to shake my hand and talking pictures, very quickly I faced a wall of beautiful women smiling or snapping pictures. It was a grand moment for me, very intimate and spontaneous.

Noa said Konichiwa to everyone waving his hand. Cute…. He is like me, he loves people, he is very social and attentional with people always. Ben and Luca are more reserved and shy somehow.

Some women asked questions to Noa (he is in Singapore and we are in Tokyo), I love new technology that allows me to be a mom while working overseas. We are all mothers after-all….

Here a picture with the last ladies to leave… thank you so much mina san for making your way to me.

Much love and respect to you all always,



Together with Kahoko Tsunezawa, the beautiful MC of the night, at the end of the evening inside my dressing room.

Aligato Guerlain for making me beautiful!


and for the fashionaistas… I wear a Narcisso Rodriguez gown.



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トークショーに参加していて最も素晴らしいと思ったのは、多くの参加者が私の話を聞きながらメモを取っている点でした。aligato gozaimasu mina san.(ありがとうございます。みなさん。)

























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