I am happy for Gabourney because she is a talented actress with a nice personality, but there is something that disturbs me seeing her on the cover of ELLE magazine this month…. I am just hoping that inside the magazine she will be talking about her problem… her obesity problem, and what she is doing or planning to get healthy.
I might offend people, but instead…. do not feel offended but please feel understood… because i know well that obese people have medical illness that are usually undiagnosed such as hormonal imbalances – liver disease, gallbladder disease, lung disease, immune disease, thyroid disease and more. When you are that sick, if it is undiagnosed, there is no way to successfully diet.
It is about brain and gut connection.
50% of the population in America is overweight. It is a catastrophe right now. This cover is the American ELLE issue, also this is why i am mentioning America. Obesity is a neuro-psychiatric disorder where a person gets addicted and food intolerant, because of a brain disorder, which then triggers the wrong choices, and the wrong choices trigger a whole circle of intolerance, allergy and illness.
I think that this is the wrong message to act like it is okay to be obese, that we should accept it….. it is NOT who you are…. NO!… it is who you became, because you are sick actually, and needing help. To me, actually it feels like seeing someone dying and not helping….Sorry but, I cannot keep my mouth shut, it is beyond me. When I look at this photo I think that something is really wrong and sad….
I would love to “adopt” Gabourney and to help her treat herself. I would have her meet the Doctors that helped me recover my son from autism. They know how to re-balance someone’s mind and organs so that the person can function again. She needs to be tested for several different medical issues (Hormonal imbalances, Thyroid function, liver function, heavy metal toxicity and many more…. ) I know exactly what she needs and how to get it done. When I look at this picture on the cover, my heart bleeds because I can hear her liver screaming for help!
She is heading like a bullet train straight into a wall of sorrow…. cancer.
People are judging young girls being too skinny on the runaways, and being a bad role model for young girls, but what about obese girls? Both need medical help….
Check this out,,,,,,, a success story.
BEFORE - Ozeki Konishiki during a sumo tournament, then with his wife Chie
My dear friend Konishiki just lost half of his body weight. At a peak weight he weighted 287 kg !!!!!!(630 lb).
I was close to him while he went throughout the whole process, he worked hard, he was determined to loose weight, to be healthy again. His younger sister had died a year earlier of obesity consequences. I admire him, he lost so much weight, incredible!
AFTER – We were in Dubai. (Here with Harry & Ken Hills) – Also, with his wife Chie in the desert. This was the first time that he could fly anywhere since ages!
I will ask him if he can describe for my blog:
How someone obese feels everyday.
Why it is not okay and dangerous.
What should anyone do to take action if facing obesity
I am addressing any person being around someone suffering obesity in their family or circle of friends, so that you can help.
Tell me what you think please.
Much love and care.
もしかしたら気を悪くさせてしまった人もいるかもしれない、、、でも、どうか理解して欲しいの。何故かというと、私はほとんどの肥満体型の人が、例えばホルモン異常と診断されないまま、病気を抱えている事を知っているから。肝臓病、胆嚢の病気、肺病、免疫不全、甲状腺の病気等、肥満はたくさんの病気を引き起こす要因となるの。 もし自分がこのような病気に対してきちんとした知識や理解がなければ、どんなダイエットも成功しないわ。
ダイエット前ー - 相撲場所中の大関小錦と彼の奥様のチエさん。
ダイエット後 - ドバイにて(Harry & Ken Hillsと共に) - 下はチエさんとの一枚。この旅は、長年飛行機に乗ることが出来なかった彼にとって、久々の旅だったの。