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I just found these pictures taken the day after the Miss Universe Japan competition when Riyo won. All the girls came to the office to return the Cavalli dresses that they wore at the after party.  



The office was a mess after the show with suitcases, boxes, bags everywhere…. but it was great, after a good night of sleep, to talk about the show and we laugh a lot of the mistakes, the stress that we had all came through the day before….  


Since, we meet often at events, birthday parties, designers VIP parties. Mostly Rei, Kiko, Reiko, Anna, Yuka, Maiko and Meri…. (oops Akiko, I just realized that I forgot to call you back!!!!…..)




I want you to know that you are all so precious to me, I am so gifted to get to meet and to know such incredible and talented young girls like you all. You are all in my heart, and my motivation to do my work everyday. Love you my sweeties, thank you for your warm affection always!


2007年度のミス・ユニバース日本大会の後、ファイナリスト達が衣装を返却するためオフィスに来ました。 大会での失敗や緊張、大会までの辛かったレッスンなど、色々な事を話しました。
皆は私の全てです。 Love you!!


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