Shooting the cover of SENKEN H magazine

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  • 日本語

I filmed videos of the backstage for you to follow Kurara during her working long hours. See behind the scenes of the 2 cuts shooting for Senken H. The theme was about Brazilian fashion. Kurara is a big fan of Brazilian music and plugged her I-Pod at super high volume with her favorite songs.

One cut she wore a dress by designer Keita Maruyama. The other cut was with a glam bikini from the new Rosa Cha collection.

The stylist and the hair and make artists were incredible. Finalist Ako attended the shoot so that she could learn. The photographer asked her to be her standing model to check the lights before Kurara starts shooting.

くららの撮影風景をビデオに撮ってきました!! 撮影のテーマはブラジリアンファッションで 
1カット目はケイタ マルヤマの衣装でもう1カットはRosa Chaの新しいコレクションでした。

  • English
  • 日本語

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