Samantha Thavasa SWEETS & TRAVEL press conference
It was a day of happiness, coming back to Japan to work with Samantha Thavasa for the opening of the space inside the Haneda Airport.
I came back to Tokyo for a total of 48 hours only. Because I designed the uniforms for the staff and I chose a 50′s look.
I also work with the famous Chef Patissier Tsujiguchi san to create healthy cake for women. It has been a very interesting project and quite different from what I usually do. I enjoyed tremendously the experience to work with talented people during the months leading to the launch.
Below you can see Ebi chan, the most famous topmodel in Japan, wearing the uniform that I designed, together with Kazu Terada, Samantha Thavasa CEO, the General Manager of the Haneda Airport and Tsujiguchi san Chef Patissier.
Together with Emiri Miyasaka, we had a talk show and interviews with the press.
Interview for Fashion TV, inside the Champagne Bar with Tsujiguchi san. I love his personality, he is great, lots of ideas, very creative and most friendly. I am excited to collaborate with him from now to create unique cakes and sweets for Samantha Thavasa. You got to try some soon!
Hugging the most hard worker woman of the year…..Miho san! She has been in charge of everything from day one for this project. She has done an amazing job.
Omedeto Miho!
Together with the beautiful Ebihara twins (futago)!
Eri Ebihara on the left side and Yuri Ebihara on the right. They look exactly the same. Two beautiful Barbie Dolls!
Actually, I worked together with Eri for the design of the uniforms. She is always smiling and very sweet, it has been good to work with her.
When we walked out of our dressing rooms to access the Samantha Thavasa SWEETS shop, to meet the press, we had to go through body check by the airport staff and people were getting crazy recognizing Ebi chan inside the airport facilities. She is tremendously loved in Japan that’s for sure. She is a hard worker and I respect that very much.
サマンサタバサ スウィーツ&トラベル 羽田空港店 プレスコンファレンス
とても幸せな日だったわ。羽田空港の中にオープンしたサマンサタバサ スウィーツ&トラベル 羽田空港店のオープニングイベントに出席したの。この為にフランスから日本に48時間だけ一時帰国したのよ。
Fashion TVのインタビューを受けている最中。そしてカフェの中にあるシャンペンバーにて辻口シェフと共に。彼のパーソナリティーは本当に素晴らしく、またアイディアも豊富でとてもクリエイティブ。その上とてもフレンドリーなの。彼とこれからまたサマンサタバサのユニークなケーキやスウィーツをコラボレートするのが本当に楽しみよ。出来上がったら是非食べてみてね!
今年最もハードに働いている女性の一人、美穂さんをハグしているわ!今回のプロジェクト担当の一人よ。 彼女の働きぶりは素晴らしかったわ。