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Riyo in her hotel room, in her bathrobe.


Just spoke with Riyo……  she was getting ready to go to a party at the Hard Rock Cafe in Mexico city.

BBelize, Korea & Japan beauties           (Miu Miu sunglasses)


REHEARSALS       Yesterday was the first rehearsal for the preliminary event. She said she could tell who will be really strong on stage. For exempla, the best at walking among the Europeans is Miss Slovak Republic and that she will pull a surprise.

Riyo in her hotel room (her roomate & best frriend in the competition is  Miss Canada)       [Foulard top and shorts by Gucci]


COINCIDENCE?    Miss Jamaica was walking for the evening gown segment, then Riyo started to walk and the music stopped. She waited 20 sec. until the music started again and…. ………….the same music that we used during the gown competition in the Japan finals started!!!!!!!!      Riyo really felt it as a sign that it will be Japan year! She was so happy!

FULL-SUPPORT     She says that everyone during the dinners or special events come to shake hands with her and that she is told always that she will be this year winner. She is so touched by the Mexican warm support.

ASIAN-LATINA        Also, she hears often that she looks very Japanese but that she carries a Mexican heart and that the entire country will cheer for her on May 28th together with Miss Mexico!!!!!!!!!

She told me that the Governor of Cancun, during the Governor’s Ball only shook hands with her.

Riyo told me that she completely felt in love with Cancun and that one day she wishes she can leave there.

Hum… Natalie Glebova’s story?!! 

      Singapore,  Japan  and Korea stunners

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