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I just spoke with Riyo she said that they had only 30 seconds each to make their presentation. It was rainy and windy. The costumes were spectacular.

She saw many flags and banners with JAPAN on it and she heard loud cheering “Japon!!!!! Japon!!!”. There were no judging, just a presentation for the Mexican people to enjoy seing all the delegates in their national costume, it was a free event for all.

When she removed the sticks in her hair after bowing to the croad, Riyo gracefuly released her hair from the sticks and at that time she said that the wind blew her hair strongly, and that she thought that she was so lucky to get that special effect from the sky!!

When Riyo came back to the hotel, people were waiting with the Japanese flag, taking pictures of her and asking an autograph. She feels so happy to receive support, love and trust of many people around in a country so far away from home.

They will be a filming on the 15 on stage at the auditorium to film the opening fo the show with ecah delegate selfintroduction. Also this time Riyo will have to execute the full choreography to bring her costume alive.


I will be leaving tomorrow Tuesday for Mexico. Twenty four members of Riyo’s family and friends are going to Mexico to cheer for her on the final day!


Thank you for reading!


Love always, ines



  • English
  • 日本語

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