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img_3750.jpgimg_3751.jpg Riyo is carried away by Roberto Cavalli’s bodyguard to move to his table. Riyo is calling me to follow her. So funny, we always have eye contact even with thousand people around. 理世がRoberto Cavalliのボディガード達に彼のテーブルに連れて行かれちゃったの。理世は私についてくるように呼んでくれているのだけど、おかしくて笑っちゃったわ。だってこんなに沢山の人混みの中でも私達はアイコンタクトを外さないのですもの! img_3752.jpgimg_3753.jpgimg_3754.jpgimg_3756.jpg Look who was there! The beautiful and nice Destinity Child’s star Kelly Rolland. Actually a few hours after taking this picture, Kelly invited Sorangel to go with her to the Paris fashion Week together with Beyonce as well! When Kelly texted her while she was boarding her private plane to London, Sorangel was next to me at that moment and I thought she had chocked on something! because she kept screaming and jumping up and down in total euphoria! Then, she shown me her blackberry and I finally understood what happened, reading the text message. I love to see expressions of happiness such as this as there are so few of them in our word today. パーティに誰が居たか当ててみて。美しいグループDestinity ChildのスターKelly Rollandoよ!実はこの写真を撮った後にKellyがSorangelに(2007年ミスパナマ)、パリのファッションウィークにビヨンセと一緒に行こうと誘っていたの。Kellyはロンドン行きのプライベートジェットに搭乗する時、Sorangelにメールを入れていたの。その頃Sorangelは私の隣に居たのだけれど、叫んだり、飛び跳ねたりするから、喉に何か詰まったのかと思っていたの。けれどそんなメッセージをKellyからもらっていたと知って、何が起こったのかやっとわかったわ。 img_3759.jpgimg_3760.jpgimg_3762.jpgimg_3764.jpgimg_3765.jpgimg_3766.jpgimg_3767.jpgimg_3768.jpgimg_3769.jpg img_3770.jpgimg_3771.jpgimg_3772.jpgimg_3773.jpg img_3774.jpgimg_3775.jpgimg_3776.jpgimg_3777.jpgimg_3778.jpgimg_3782.jpg Below, my big-son Ben, self-portraits… img_3786.jpgimg_3789.jpgimg_3791.jpgimg_3792.jpgimg_3793.jpgimg_3794.jpgimg_3795.jpgimg_3796.jpgimg_3798.jpg Below, the cute guy dancing with Riyo is a famous VJ on MTV Italy and we had just saw him that morning on TV while getting ready, I guess he likes Riyo! “”Private time please!””” img_3799.jpgimg_3801.jpg img_3802.jpgimg_3810.jpgimg_3805.jpgimg_3807.jpg Above, Sorangel, Miss panama 2007 and her husband Valerio (ex-Zuleyka boyfriend, and my good friend since Mexico) . Oops, I did not like the way Zuleyka crowned Riyo also I introduced Sorangel to him… et voila! Anyway, it was not hard to convince him to fall in love with Sorangel because she is a thousand more beautiful, natural, and she has a brain and most importantly a big heart…. Sorangelは2007年のミスパナマで、彼女の夫Valerio (2006年度ミス・ユニバースであるZuleykaの元彼氏であり、メキシコの時からの私の大の友人なの) 彼が、Sorangelに故意に落ちるのは納得できるわ。彼女はとても美しくて、スマートで、何よりもとても広い心を持っているの。 THE NEXT DAY AT 2 PM. PICK UP AT THE HOTEL. TO THE ROBERTO CAVALLI Spring Summer 2009 FASHION-SHOW その次の日14時、ホテルに迎えが来て、Roberto Cavalli春夏コレクション2009に向かったの。 img_3817.jpg img_3818.jpg In the car, Luciano, my friend who is the National Director of Miss Universe Italy, together with Riyo at the back of the car. Both are on the phone. We are waiting for Sorangel who forgot her invitation in my room where she got changed, and no invitation = no show, also she had to run back to the room. Roberto had arranged a beautiful turquoise dress for her as well to wear for the show. When Riyo arrived, all the photographers were calling her name… -“Riyo! Riyo! Look this way! Riyo turn toward my camera!”. It was amazing! Two days ago, Roberto had announced her as his Muse, also the press went crazy for her. 車の中では、ミス・ユニバース・イタリア・ナショナルディレクターであり、私の友人でもあるLucianoと理世が後ろの席で、二人とも電話中だったの。Sorangelは部屋に招待状を忘れてしまったから、部屋に取りに戻らなければならなくなったわ。 ロベルトは理世に綺麗なターコイズドレスを用意してくれていて、理世が到着した時には、全てのカメラマンが彼女の名前を呼んでいたわ。「理世!理世!こっちを向いて!カメラの前でターンして!」ってね。 すごく興奮したわ。ロベルトが、理世が新しいミューズだとアナウンスしてくれた際には、プレスグループが真っ先に彼女の方に行ったのですもの。 img_3819.jpgimg_3820.jpgimg_3821.jpgimg_3822.jpg capt6a4fb5010a0b4dbba668d3da9349bdeeitaly_fashion_mil157.jpgcapt399dbe636d974696af90d4496591263ditaly_fashion_mil159.jpgcaptf6aaab0a8aba4358b9f7cdc0b320ad13italy_fashion_mil158.jpg Special guests included lots of Italian celebrities from Italy, also international stars such as actress Marisa Berenson, singers Anastacia, Kelly Rolland and Ne-Yo. Also the gorgeous Japanese actress Ayako Kawahara who was one of our judges in 2001. Below Yamamuro san, the famous Editor-in-Chief of WWD Japan taking pictures of Riyo for its 1500th issue anniversary. スペシャルゲストを含め、イタリアからは多くのセレブが集まっていたわよ。女優のMarisa Berenson、歌手のAnastacia、Kelly Rollandoに Ne-Yo (Closer)。その他にも、日本の女優、川原亜矢子、彼女は2001年度ミス・ユニバース・ジャパンの審査員でもあったのよ。 下の写真はWWDのチーフエディターで有名な山本さん、150周年で彼が理世の写真を撮っていたわ。 img_3823.jpgimg_3834.jpg Waiting for the show to start. img_3824.jpgimg_3836.jpgimg_3837.jpgimg_3838.jpg I love this picture showing the show-staff removing the plastic cover protecting the runway just before the show started. この写真大好きなの。ショーが始まる直前に、ランウェイを保護しているカバーを取り外しているところなの。 img_3839.jpgimg_3841.jpgimg_3842.jpgimg_3844.jpgcapt726c298de0e44879be03e9940773a690italy_fashion_mil149.jpgcapta817484b4e464a928cd632e93925e422italy_fashion_mil148.jpgcaptb9620460a839413494ca65350dca2d76italy_fashion_mil141.jpgr14686135601.jpg img_3845.jpg img_3846.jpgcapt7ab700fb98aa49e4a693a6efb14eb81eitaly_fashion_mil155.jpgr13358782271.jpgimg_3847.jpg Roberto and Eva Cavalli. Eva was Miss Universe in 1993, Roberto was a judge and married her a year later….His 4th wife, beutiful and very nice. We had lunch with her just after we arrived. She was coming off her private jet from Firenze, she really reprent well the image of a Miss Universe, with style, looks and huge charisma. She actually designs the collections with her husband, and I saw her in meetings with top editors at the show room among them, Vogue USA famous fashion editor Leon Tally. Then backstage after the show…. RobertoとEva Cavalli。彼女は1993年度ミス・ユニバースだったの。彼は当時審査員で、その翌年に結婚したのよ・・・。 ショーの後のバックステージにて。 img_3850.jpgimg_3854.jpgimg_3852.jpg Chatting with Kelly backstage. “Girls, photo please!” img_3856.jpgimg_3859.jpgimg_3860.jpg Riyo with ex-Miss Albania and a friend of Fadil Berisha. Also with, Miguel and his partner Guy. Miguel is the head coach of the Miss Universe Canada Org. since the past 5 years already, and he prepared Natalia for the Miss Universe event in Bangkok in 2002 when she won. So happy to see him again, Miguel is my naughty little brother! Alfredo our stunning, kakoi driver. he drove us the entire week we were in Milan. Miguelと彼のパートナーのGuy。Miguelはミス・ユニバース・カナダのヘッドコーチを5年もやっていて、2002年度のバンコクでの大会でNataliaを優勝に導いたのよ。また会えてとても嬉しいわ。Miguelは私にとって兄弟のような存在なの。 img_3861.jpg img_3862.jpgimg_3863.jpg After the show, he drove us full speed in a cool Bentley, to have a late lunch with Roberto Cavalli, his wife and those many other super famous fashion editors. We grabbed something quick and drove away again, for a shoot with Vanity Fair Germany/ Spain/ Italy issues, at the Just Cavalli Cafe, with 8 looks from the new collection, Spring-Summer 2009. img_3864.jpgimg_3865.jpgimg_3868.jpgimg_3867.jpgimg_3870.jpgimg_3872.jpgimg_3873.jpgimg_3875.jpgimg_3876.jpgimg_3877.jpgimg_3883.jpgimg_3880.jpg Love sharing with you our fabulous time in Milan. I will write many more little-stories later. I must run to an early meeting now and a very important one….. Crossing my fingers! 貴方と過ごせてよかったわ。後で、細かい出来事をアップするわね。今から急いで朝一のミーティングに向かわなければならないの。とても重要なミーティングなのよ。 うまくいきますように・・・・!

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