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Spent the weekend with my family in Hong Kong.      We stayed at the Four Seasons hotel in Central.    Gorgeous hotel, incredible service and the best pillows ever.

Saturday eve, we went partying with my Indian-partner-in-crimes Bobby (Bhatia), vodka and house music, lots of laughing and dancing. Saw so many of my friends again. Marina at Kee Club, Brian Chow, publisher of Prestige magazine and Anthony Cheung who will bring the event LIVE on internet, in China on March 15th..

We used to live in Hong Kong before I was asked to revamp the Japanese competition for Miss Universe. I miss Hong Kong it was a very happy of my life, so many great people I met over there and still so close to them.      

Hong Kong night life is so fabulous and fun. People are so trendy, stylish and beautiful. Love “Lang Kwaii Fong”, love the energy of the place. People from all over the world simply having fun.

Wishing the world would be like that from today. cohabiting peacefully is such a dream why can’t we archive it? Why people have to argue over anything, politics, religion, religion, religion …and about skin-color? Why can people just relax and love each other. Why can’t everyone try to be happy and to live in peace?

In fact, we went to Hong Kong because my little boy when still a baby, received an immunization (vaccine) that took his health and brain away because of the mercury that it contained.    We were told that nothing could be done and that we just have to accept it and love him. We did love him, I loved him so much more and deep from that instant that I swore to him I would never give up and would fight to get him back to us whatever it would take.

He is so beautiful, like an angel put on this earth to teach others how to smile even when in pain… his little body have fought the villains that were injected in his system, with no rest for 2 years now.     I have been his ultimate advocate and we have been flying all over the world to try to cure him. We met with Doctors in America, in France, in Asia, we have put a puzzle together to save him and slowly recovered him.

It is not yet 100% the end of our long journey but Luca now talks and communicate with us quite well. For us it is like a miracle because we thought that we will never be able to hear his little voice. ………….We are blessed, so blessed.

To be honest, I started writing this thinking that I would erase it after I had finished. Those words are not those that people want to read on someone’s else blog. But I think that if it can change the destiny of one child only by telling my son’s story, than it was worth writing about it. Giving hope to any mother in the world is worth millions to me.

If this happen or happend to your child, never give up, there is a cure, there is hope and Luca is a living proof of it.

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