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I arrived in Nha Trang!!!

I met Osmel the Star-National Director of Miss Venezuela Organization at the airport, with Gabriel, his right hand. We boarded the same plane, so good to catch-up and to see everyone again with who I have been working together since the past 11 years already!

NHK filmed me coming out the plane, surprise!

Went to the hotel right away, eat dinner at 7pm with the crew of NHK. While dining Sun called me and told me that she has been terribly sick last night with a striking food poisoning and that she felt that she would die. So scary! The doctors went to her room and she has been in bed since then.

Today was the interview with the preliminary judges and she managed to attend it. She was happy with her interview outcome and she feels confident that she did a good job. We spoke for a little while.

Then right after, Hiroko called me, she was at a dinner with the pre-judges at the Vinepearl hotel (15 mn ferry ride from downtown Nha Trang). She was so happy to know I had arrived. She kept saying “you’re here!! Yeah!!}

She told me to rush to her hotel where she would arrive 20 mn later, also I jumped in the elevator, let NHK pay the bill for dinner (!) I had a quick shower, changed my dress and ran downstairs with my shoes in my hand, after grabbing the amazing jewelry sets that I brought from

Japan on time for the preliminary show tomorrow for both Hiroko and Sun. I slept in the plane on top of my bag because these unique pieces are from the latest collection of BULGARI high jewelry which I borrowed from their pressroom for the event. Last year Riyo won as well with a splendid set of Bulgari jewels.

Then taxi ride to the Diamond Bay hotel where all the delegates are staying. Asking for Hiroko at the Miss Universe reception counter, no Hiroko to be seen at the lobby, I was told I would not be able to see her tonight… feeling so disappointed, and then I heard screaming INESsssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And there she was when I turned to see who was screaming my name Beautiful, happy, POWERFUL!….. oh my God she is so powerful!!! Standing gorgeous in the lobby, she ran and jumped on me with a strong and warm hug!! We were so happy to meet again!

We spoke for an hour. She had so much to say, she is so excited about the competition, she is really strong, and I can feel that she has grown so much. She is like a fortress inside, and a tornado outside.

We work on her walk for tomorrow, because the delegates are given 3 different options to present themselves on stage during the swimsuit and also during the gown competition. We rehearsed together step by step her moves until she had mastered them completely.

She said that yesterday everyone had to show their gown to Lou, the walking teacher to make sure the dresses were okay for the stage and everyone was commenting on Hiroko gown because it is so different from the other delegates. Most of the girls apparently are wearing very tight and glittery gowns, instead Hiroko wears something from the

Milan collection and it looks fierce and high fashion, still utterly elegant. Cannot wait for tomorrow!

Then she was taken away by the security team, back to her room together with Miss Trinidad and Tobago (gorgeous) who was talking with her National Director, my best friend in MUO, and Peter afterwards told me that Japan and Colombia are his girl competition, for what she told him. Peter told me that Hiroko has a strong chance to win again this year and that he heard this from many sources. More news tomorrow, I will update my blog several times during the day. My portable computer is very small also I can carry it with me everywhere.

Love, ines







すぐにホテルに向かい、夜7時からNHKの 撮影スタッフの皆さんと一緒に夕飯を食べました。夕飯を食べていると、サンから電話がかかってきて、昨晩から食中毒で具合が悪くなった、死ぬ思いだったと 話していました。怖いですね!医師が彼女を診察しに、彼女の部屋へ行ってくれたようですが、彼女はそれからというものベットで寝込んでいたようです。



サンと電話を切った直後ヒロコが電話をしてきました。彼女はVinepearl Hotel(ニャチャンのダウンタウンからフェリーで15分くらいのところ)で予選の審査員とディナーをしていたようです。彼女は私がベトナムに到着したことにとても喜んでいて、イネスが到着した!イエイ!とずっと喜んでいました。


20分後にヒロコのホテルで会うことになったので、エレベーターに飛び乗りました。すぐにシャ ワーを浴び、ドレスを着替え、日本からもってきた明日の予選のショーでヒロコとサンが使用する素敵なジュエリーセットを持った後、シューズを手に持ち、下 へ駆け下りました。このジュエリーはBVLGARIの最新のコレクションでこの世界大会の為にプレスルームから借りてもってきたものです。とてもユニークなものばかりのものです。昨年も理世がこの豪華なBVLGARIのジュエリーを身につけて勝利しました。


各国の代表者達が滞在しているダイアモンドベイホテルに向けてタクシーに乗り込みました。受付の カウンターでミス・ユニバース・ジャパンのヒロコを尋ねました。ロビーにもヒロコの姿が見当たらない。。。今日彼女に会うことは無理かもしれない。。。と 言われて、がっかりしていたところ「イネス!!!!」と叫び声が!!!!!












ヒロコが言うには、昨日みんなLouとい うウォーキングの先生に各自のガウンがステージパフォーマンスをする時に問題ないか見せる機会があったそうです。みんなヒロコのガウンをみて彼女のガウン は他の代表者のガウンと全然違うとコメントしていたようです。ほとんどの代表者のガウンは、とてもタイトできらびやかなものです。それと違ってヒロコはミ ラノコレクションに出展されるようなファッショナブルなドレス。見かけは激しく、ファッション性が高くてエレガント。明日が待ちきれないわ!


そしてヒロコはミス・トリニダード・トバゴ共和国とセキュリティー チームと共に部屋に戻っていきました。彼女も彼女のナショナル・ディレクターであるピーターと話をしていました。ピーターが、日本とコロンビアが今回の強 敵ですと話していたの。ピーターがヒロコはすごく強くて、今年もまた日本が勝つチャンスがあるといろんなところから聞いたようです。












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  • 日本語

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