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Hello everyone, I arrived in New York late last night, and I am staying with Riyo and Rachel, the gorgeous Miss USA in the guest room inside their fabulous apartment in Manhattan.

This morning I woke up late and both girls were gone already to work. Then Victoria of Miss Universe office came to wake me up and told me that I had to meet one of the executive of MTV within the next 15 minutes!!!!

I jumped in the shower, had lost my tooth brush… ran into Riyo’s bathroom and stole hers!!! Rush-rush, put on sunglasses and a dress and ran as fast as possible to the Miss Universe headquarters on the opposite side of the street.

MTV want to do a huge program about Riyo returning to Japan, her emotions, her new life, together with Rachel living in New York ect… huge!!!

Riyo also received her first script for a TV series on NBC (number one TV series in the States right now.. suspense), she is meeting with the top producer tomorrow morning at NBC.

Tonight, Riyo and I will have dinner with my dear friend, top Hollywood movie producer, Dany Wolf, who won the Palme D’Or two years ago in Cannes with his movie called Elephant, together with Award Nominated Best Director – Gus Van Sant.

We are going to celebrate with fun and sushis Riyo’s success.

Will write soon, stay tuned!

Love you all

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