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Foods that contain high levels of “good” fats like nuts and certain types of fish can actually reduce wrinkles.

The omega-3 fatty acids founds in these ingredients hydrate skin and lessen the appearance of fine lines.

Preliminary research shows that altering your diet can actually decrease your risk of skin cancer.

Try aMediterranean-inspired meal plan of leafy greens, cruciferous veggies, olive oil, fatty fish and red wine to boost antioxidants that battle cancer-causing cells in the body.

As an added bonus, leafy green vegetables like spinach, beet greens and collards have also been shown to prevent varicose veins.

Dark berries like strawberries, blueberries and blackberries all have impressive levels of antioxidants, making them an ideal beauty food.

Good old water might be the cheapest beauty product on the market. Not only does H20 flush out toxins that can lead to acne, staying hydrated can also reduce stress and improve higher levels of thinking.

Dark circles can be caused by everything from sinus allergies to a lack of sleep, but more often than not, the zombie look is a symptom of vitamin K deficiency. Reduce the look by stocking up on the hottest veggie around: kale.

The health of your hair is a reflection of what you put in your body. Your strands, scalp, and hair follicles thrive on protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and biotin, while vitamins E, A, C and B and minerals like zinc and iron keep strands strong and abundant. To this end, snack on a balanced diet of salmon, oysters, walnuts, sweet potatoes, eggs, spinach, lentils, Greek yogurt, blueberries, and poultry, and other yummy nutrient-rich foods.

Bon appétit!


Source: Stylist


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I just finished watching this video, very inspiring.

Here’s an incredible story about a mother who totally disregarded what experts said about her son and threw off the label that was slapped on him as a toddler. Instead, she followed her own instincts – with astounding results.

Kristine Barnett’s son Jacob was diagnosed with autism when he was 2, and doctors said he would never speak. She tried special education programs and therapies aimed at addressing his limitations. When teachers told her there was no hope, she rebelled and took her own path.

“A lot of people thought that I had lost my mind,” she recalls.

Watch the video here


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BEAUTY – Answering my comments (teeth whitening)

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My teeth are yellow and I would like to whiten them at a low cost. I am a student and have very little money.
Thank you for always giving us affordable tips!
Lisa from Singapore
Dear Lisa,
Put a tiny bit of toothpaste into a small cup, mix in one teaspoon of baking soda and add one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, and half teaspoon of water.
Thoroughly mix it together, then brush your teeth for 2 minutes.
Remember to do it once a week, until you have reached the results you want. Once your teeth are good and white, limit yourself to using the whitening treatment once every month or two.
Note: hydrogen peroxide = agua oxigenada, eau oxygenee




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DAY ONE: Goodnight from Bintan.

It is pitch-dark outside and I just went to walk on the talcum-white sand beach.

It was like walking on white feathers or white cotton balls, the sand is so soft, truly amazing!

Overlooking a breathtaking view of the South China Sea, the hotel where I am staying is located within one of the oldest tropical rain forests,

and i just experienced the natural sights and sounds from it, with only the full moon to see around, very romantic.

Warm wishes to all from paradise.


DAY TWO: One more day in paradise.

Loved the beach today, it rained for an hour and then the sun came back to smile at us.

I am golden and happy.

Love to all from Bintan, Indonesia


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