Get styled at Dream Factory with Nedine!

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Like this picture of Nedine… Nedine works with us at Dream Factory, she is in charge of the retail section and she is really fantastique at styling.

You should come and try a few different looks with her You would be AMAZED to see how much you can change!!!

From romantique to rock, to corporate-chic, or to casual-cool… she has a perfect eye for it.

Make a reservation by emailing her at

WHO? Nedine is a topmodel from South Africa with agencies in New York and Milan. A true rare chance for anyone to get styled by her!!! Do not wait and email her!

On my way to Tokyo!

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On my way now…I will be in Tokyo for 15 hours only,

sorry to miss seeing my good friends again this time.

(for my new book publishing and a speech at Spiral Hall for 300 top-CEO’s).



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Your body language tells who you are!!!

Stand straight and do not look down when you walk. It makes you look unconfident.
Make big steps when you walk, practice at home. Longer steps will make you look younger and taller.
Wear high heels as much as possible, show your legs always.


Negative thoughts are killing us!

Try to redirect your mind when you start having negative and pessimistic thoughts. Think of something that makes you happy. If you do that for about 2 weeks you will see some dramatic changes. Being negative reflects in your face, your aura and people will stay away from you. Also negative attracts negative and you will never be happy.
Smile always in and out. You will look 10 years younger.


Color, alignment are most of time an issue. Go see your dentist, choose a good one and ask him to advise you. Whitening makes a huge difference. Better buy yourself a nice smile, rather than a nice bag. Think about it… the guy that you like will rather want to kiss you if your mouth is attractive, but he most probably will not be turned-on by your bag

Also make sure your breath is okay. Many times bad breath is a problem with women over 40. And it is NOT sexy.
Ask your best friend to tell you the truth (or your family). Caries are most probably the reason, but also toxins in your body. You should visit your dentist or start detoxifying your body as soon as possible. A tea spoon of Baking Soda will help you kill the germs that create bad smell, and you can also brush your teeth with it. This is one of the less expensive tool to buy ever. You can find it at the supermarket close to your home for sure.


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Someone is using this photo of mine and my name “Ines Ligron” to connect with people on Skype.

It is NOT me… pls be aware.

Thank you and sorry for the disturbance once again.

Domestic violence and abuse is a crime

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SO SAD TONIGHT, one of my best friends is in the hospital because of her husband. She has been beaten to blood in front of her 4 months old baby girl while her 12 years old begged her to go to the police. They live a nice life in a high profile neighborhood, “the perfect family I thought” until she told me the truth.

Unfortunately, there are so many women like her. It is hard to know exactly how common domestic violence is, because people often don’t report it. There is no typical victim. It happens among people of all ages.

No one should live in fear of the person they love. If you recognize yourself or someone you know in the following warning signs and descriptions of abuse, reach out. There is help available. You must reach for help if it happens to you.