MY FIT LIST, my favorite sports right now
High voltage dancing delivering a high energy workout & holistic benefits, Zumba is a blend of high-tempo dance & aerobic. Top stars in Hollywood are now serious addicts (I AM!).
in incredible adidas we move(ファッショナブルなアディダスのウェアで)
Zumba sessions are available in several gyms in Tokyo (Gold Gym in Harajuku for exempla) and DVD are already available for purchase on line. Get ready to experience the discipline bottom-firming & tummy-tautening & calorie-torching first hand. But the best benefit is seen under the armpit area where fat generally accumulates and looks like you have been granted with a second pair of breast!
I am asked often how to develop a Miss-Universe-style-body, well here is the answer: if you do it several times per month, you will start transforming your body shape and curves. You must try it!
PARKOUR (パルクール)
The art of moving from one point to another as efficiently as possible, overcoming obstacles from branches to concrete walls – very Bond girl. It has been an underground hit for years, since Madonna incorporated it in her concert tours, but now the French trend is about to go mainstream. The high-impact class tons muscles with an improving agility and improving cardio-fitness. And if you get really good you might also acquire some superhero-skills; such as the ability to run-up walls. Go to the park and go for it!
The world is still a amazed with the results achieved by point Power Plate classes, where you perform a series of poses atop a vibrating plate to get an intensive toning effect. I use it at the Ritz Carlton gym where I normally exercise. Newest thing in Power Plate land is the Power Plate Accelerating Training – a series of classes that serve up heart pumping workouts. The 30 minutes class, which involves holding various squat poses on the vibrating platform while performing a series of punches, kicks, press-ups, sit-ups, bicep & triceps dips & plank positions, is now said to be one of the toughest and most effective workouts out there.
Do not forget to get your own bottle of water to keep replenishing while working out. Evian is my favorite because it contains lots of essential mineral such as magnesium and calcium.
Slackline is a balance sport which utilizes nylon rope stretched tight between 2 anchor points, such as trees for example. The rope is dynamic, stretched and bounces like a long and narrow trampoline.It is really difficult but fun, I like to slack with my son Ben on the weekend. The finalists have just started this week. The point is to be able to stand on the rope, then to walk, then to jump, sitting down, making jump start (I am here right now), crossed legs, reversing jump turns and the ultimate…. the back flips! The day after I slack line, I can barely walk as my entire body hurts, which is the proof that it is one of the best workout.
(スラックラインはロープの上を歩くバランススポーツよ。例えば木と木の間をつなげてすると、トランポリンみたいでとてもダイナミックだわ。すごく難しいのだけれども、とても面白いわよ! 週末に息子のベンとするのは良い息抜きになるわ。ファイナリストも始めたばかりなの。ポイントは、ロープの上にたてるようになること。次に歩けるようになって、ジャンプをしたり、座ったり、飛び移ったり(ちなみに今私はこの段階)、足を交差させたり、後ろ向きにジャンプしたり、最後には後ろに宙返りできるようになるのよ!これも全身運動だから、これをした次の日には筋肉痛で体中が痛くなるの。)
ROLLER-BLADE (ローラーブレード)
I started in Honolulu streets first a couple of years ago. I love the freedom that it provides me. This weekend I roller-bladed all around the Harajuku park and could see many different performers inside the park while my sons were watching the sumo championship with Dad. i am actually wearing a sweater from my son Ben’s newest collection. He has a line of casual wear sold in France under the label Naka.One
(ローラーブレードはホノルルで何年か前に始めたのだけれど、とても開放的になれるわ。今週末は原宿公園でしたら、公園内で沢山パフォーマンスをしている方々を見ることができたわ!ベンは、相撲競技を見ていたわ。私の着ているトップスは実はベンの新しいセーターなの。フランスでかったもので、Naka oneって文字がはいっているのよ)