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She is much more pretty in person and her performance was spectacular. She has a statuesque body, and she manages to remain so elegant and greaceful while undressing and finally bathing inside a giant glass filled with champagne.



Dita with supermodel Jessica, below with the famously Peach John’s models


The fashion show featured 30 models walking around on stage in lingerie, presenting the new Peach John collection while  a band was performming on stage. I was setaed with my designer friends Don Konishi and Takako. So many celebrities were invited, it was fun to meet everyone again. I had been working so much lately I did not have the strenght to go out at all since a while.

30人ものモデルがステージの上でランジェリーショーを行いました。               私のテーブルには友達であるデザイナーのドン小西さんやたかこさんが座っていました。沢山のセレブリティーが招待されていました。最近仕事などで忙しかったので久しぶりに皆に会えてとても楽しかったです。

After the show, famous DJs were playing and I stayed for a little bit and spent time with my friends. Here are some pictures sanped by Asami Saito who is friend of them.

Georgeous movie star Narumiya and one of his best friends with Mikio, half Japanese/French.

ショーの後は有名なDJが回していて私達はノリノリでした! あさみの友達に会い彼女がスナップ写真を撮ってくれました。                                                                     あさみの友達は映画俳優で成宮さん、そして日本とフランスのハーフであるミキオです。

Actually, we all left the party early, because hundreds of people were entering the arena to see the second show.

And…. I went back to the office to make phone calls with France and New York… my days never end….


Congratulation to my fantastic friend Mika Noguchi, Peach John’s owner, for such a great evening.


I have so much respect for Mika because she is one strong and smart business woman and a mom of 4 at the same time.

She runs an empire with feminity and that’s special. Chapeau!


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