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wanted.jpg HIROKO AND RIYO AT THE PREMIERE OF WANTED LAST NIGHT AT AGEHA. THEY SAID THAT THEY MUST HAVE TOOK A ZILLION PICTURES IN FRONT OF THE PRESS, CAMERAS WERE FLASHING EVERYWHERE NON-STOP. HIROKO’S COMMENTS FROM HER BLOG TODAY. 今日は、新木場のAGEHAで行われた、映画「WANTED」の試写会に行ってきました。 SATCに続く2回目の試写会です。今回は理世さんと一緒に行きました♡ 私は最近「Mr.&Mrs. Smith」をDVDで見たばかりだったので、今回このお仕事を知ったときは、大興奮でした!! 映画の感想は・・・最初から最後まで力の入りっぱなしで、とても迫力のある、リアリティなアクション映画でした!! 映画が終わった後にスタッフの方に「R指定はいってますか?」と聞いてしまったほどの迫力です。実際にR15指定だした!! アンジェリーナジョリー・・・本当にかっこいい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 私は、今までに映画館であまりアクション映画を見たことがなかったのですが、「Mr.&Mrs. Smith」といい「WANTED」といい、アクション映画にはまりそうです!! みなさん、是非「WANTED」を見てみてください!! ENGLISH DE: Today, I attended the premiere party of the movie “Wanted”. It was actually my second time to go to a movie premiere together with Riyo and the first one was SEX & the CITY. Because I have just seen “Mr&Mrs Smith” on DVD, I was quite excited to see “Wanted”, as they are both top action movies. Wanted was very impressive, indeed a strong action movie, It was really strong so that I asked staff if it was rated R.And it was!! (Rate R) Angelina Jolie is so GORGEOUS!!!!! In the past I was not a fan of action movies, but since now after seeing Mr&Mrs Smith and wanted, I became hooked!!! Everybody, i recommend for you to see “Wanted” at the theater near you. Love, Hiroko

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