Some news of our new Miss Universe

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10:00 am Today I had one-hour interview with Fuji TV, Hakken, who came to the Miss Universe Office to meet me, while Riyo went to audition at NBC for the TV series. She had to read her script together with another actor in front of the casting team. They were so impressed with her capability to act and with her outgoing personality.

12:00 pm She had 2 hours of media training.

3:00 pm Riyo met the Managing Director of Bulgari Americas and his public relations team. Riyo’s apartment is very close from the new main Bulgari shop in Manhattan. Afterwards, we went shopping at Prada opposite side of the Trump Towers, (Riyo’s new boss owns it…). The sales started today all over New York City!

5:00 pm Riyo met with a top executive of MTV, they loved her. This project is really exciting, and will inspire many young women to apply.

6:00 pm She went to the gym to do palates with Eric her personal trainer, and Roston her manager. Then hot sauna, Riyo’s favorite. (while I am writing my blog… she gets fabulous by the minute, while I get more squared by the second!)

9:00 pm We will have dinner at Nobu. Last night we had diner at Matsuri and all Japanese staff was so excited to meet her. She even went to the kitchen to say hello to the cooks and Chefs. They were happy and kept congratulating her.


We are going to the Hamptons!!! Dany Wolf, my friend & movie producer graciously invited usinvited us to stay at a trendy hotel. Also we will cruise in a boat when we arrive in the Hampton. Dany’s friend Rocco owns the Pink Elephant there & in NYC  and we will have a glass of champagne before going to bed. Riyo needs to relax, and if I don’t I might die soon of exhaustion! We are very happy.

From Saturday pm to Sunday pm, we will be back for Riyo to attend the Japanese National Day, celebration event sponsored by Fuji TV in Central Park. Riyo is Guest of Honor.

This is all for today. I hope that by writing Riyo’s activities, you can stay connected to her somehow.


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  • 日本語

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