My favorite snacks “PEKOE”
撮影の仕事で来日したときに、 エージェントからの差し入れでもらった 「PEKOE」のドライフルーツ。 乾燥させたフルーツとは思えないほどジューシーよ。 しかも砂糖不使用で無添加。素晴らしいおやつね。 セミナーや著書でも伝えているように、 スイーツの食べすぎは美しくなろうとする女性には厳禁! 甘いものが食べたいなら、キャンディーよりもフルーツを選んで。 「PEKOE」にはロゼール、デーツ、マンゴー、ライチと いろいろ種類があるようだけど、台湾産の高品質な品種を 使用したライチはめずらしくて、ギフトにも喜ばれそうね。 殻を割って食べるのも楽しいわよ。
When I visited Japan the other day for a shoot, my agent brought me some dried fruits by “PEKOE”.
They were unbelievably juicy…couldn’t believe they were dried fruits!
No sugar, no additives.
A perfect kind of snack!
As I mention in my books and seminars, too much sweets for women who want to become beautiful is a big no-no!! If you want to have something sweet, choose fruits instead of candy!
There seems to be a variety of fruits by “PEKOE”, such as roselle, dates, mango and lychee. Amongst these, a pleasant surprise was the lychee; they use high quality Taiwanese fruits to make the product and definitely one that would be appreciated as a gift.
Not only do they taste good, it’s great fun cracking into them!!
and my favorite fruitie: Hiroko chan!
we just finished breakfast, it is Saturday morning and it is happy times
happy weekend everyone