Today I had lunch at ION in Singapore, with Alternative medical practitioner YOKO ALEXANDER (Homeopath)
My favorite place is called Marmelade Pantry, the salads and the wraps are delicious.
Yoko is a passionate of Holistic health.
She is a believer as me, that disease is a result of physical, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental imbalance.
We share the same opinion regarding vaccines, antibiotics used in traditional medicine.
We discussed how to better spread awareness among young Mothers in Japan and in general, based on our personal experience.
It is very interesting, because we ordered lunch at a separate time and we realized that we ordered the exact same meal!
Talk about similarities!!!
今日のランチは アレクサンダー陽子さんと シンガポールのIONモールでご一緒したわ。彼女は代替医療師(ホメオパス、ハーバルメディスン 他など)なの。
Marmalade Pantry っていう私のお気にリのカフェなのだけれど、ここのサラダやラップサンドが美味しいのよ。
とってもおかしかったのは、カフェでの注文が 違うタイミングだったのにも関わらずまったく同じチョイスだったのよ!!
ほ〜んとに 類友ね!!!
Here is Yoko’s plate after lunch….
こちらは ランチの後の陽子のお皿
And here it is my plate after lunch… OOPS! Lucky enough I did not eat the plate
そして、これは私の。。。。 おぉぉっっと!!
お皿まで食べちゃわなくて本当によかったわ〜 笑
I like Yoko’s energy very much, we think almost the same regarding many issues.
It feels sooooo good!!!
これって とっても気分のいいことだわ〜!!!