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Cool evening with friends at Stephane and Sadami Lafay. Stephane is the big boss of Bulgari Japan and hosted their closest friends at his home for the evening. Stephane has this unique “joie de vivre” which is contagious. Bigger than life. French do it better as I always say!

Milly who just arrived from London that morning… She creates everything for the finale selection since the past 10 years. She does the choreographies for the dancers and for the finalists, the rehearsals, the lightning design, she chooses the musics, she is my LIFE!

Erica, my sweetheart who teaches dietetic to the finalists for 3 years, she helps them to put on weight or to losse weight, also to get a fabulous skin. She always brighten my day, everyone’s day. Some people have a special aura who shines like a sun above them, she is definitely one of them.

Hide who lives in an airplane… as he said. He was in Japan for one week holiday, going to onsen, seeing his friends and family, hanging out with the designer of Balenciaga while in town.        So funny Milly had no idea of who he was even though they spoke for one hour!  She even asked him if his Alexander McQueen’s scarf was a copy!!     I chocked on my food laughing!!  Milly has no interest in football but “quand meme”… everyone knows Nakata, isn’t it?… mostly women because he is really cute and sexy!       He is also one of the most humble world-celebrity I know.

Merci les Lafay for a fun evening!

Love always, ines 

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