Every time, people ask me: “Ines what should I eat?” .
Actually there are so many nutricious foods to choose when you go grocery shopping, that I thought about making a list. You an print it and keep it inside your purse so that you have it when you go to the market….. This is what I do.
VOILA! My good ingredients list:
* Asparagus
* Avocados
* Beets
* Bell peppers
* Broccoli
* Brussels sprouts
* Cabbage
* Carrots
* Cauliflower
* Celery
* Collard greens
* Cucumbers
* Eggplant
* Fennel
* Garlic
* Green beans
* Green peas
* Kale
* Leeks
* Mushrooms, crimini
* Mushrooms, shiitake
* Mustard greens
* Olives
* Onions
* Potatoes
* Romaine lettuce
* Sea vegetables
* Spinach
* Squash, summer
* Squash, winter
* Sweet potatoes
* Swiss chard
* Tomatoes
* Turnip greens
* Yams
* Cod
* Halibut
* Salmon
* Scallops
* Shrimp
* Tuna
* Apples
* Apricots
* Bananas
* Blueberries
* Cantaloupe
* Cranberries
* Figs
* Grapefruit
* Grapes
* Kiwifruit
* Lemon/Limes
* Oranges
* Papaya
* Pears
* Pineapple
* Plums
* Prunes
* Raisins
* Raspberries
* Strawberries
* Watermelon
Eggs & Low-Fat Dairy
* Cheese, low-fat
* Eggs
* Milk, 2%, cow’s
* Milk, goat
* Yogurt
Beans & Legumes
* Black beans
* Dried peas
* Garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
* Kidney beans
* Lentils
* Lima beans
* Miso
* Navy beans
* Pinto beans
* Soybeans
* Tempeh
* Tofu
Poultry & Lean Meats
* Beef, lean organic
* Calf’s liver
* Chicken
* Lamb
* Turkey
* Venison
Nuts & Seeds
* Almonds
* Cashews
* Flaxseeds
* Olive oil, extra virgin
* Peanuts
* Pumpkin seeds
* Sesame seeds
* Sunflower seeds
* Walnuts
* Barley
* Brown rice
* Buckwheat
* Corn
* Millet
* Oats
* Quinoa
* Rye
* Spelt
* Whole wheat
Spices & Herbs
* Basil
* Black pepper
* Cayenne pepper
* Chili pepper, dried
* Cilantro/Coriander seeds
* Cinnamon, ground
* Cloves
* Cumin seeds
* Dill
* Ginger
* Mustard seeds
* Oregano
* Parsley
* Peppermint
* Rosemary
* Sage
* Thyme
* Turmeric
Natural Sweeteners
* Blackstrap molasses
* Cane juice
* Honey
* Maple syrup
* Green tea
* Soy sauce (tamari)
* Water
Be creative, there are so many ingredients to choose when it time to eat!
Do not forget spices and herbs when you cook, there are full of good things for your body.
This was my time this morning dedicated to you because I care and love you…..
Now, I must run get a shower, apply a mask on my face, because it is already 9 am and my stylist (hair & make-up) arrives at 11 am at my home to get me pretty… for a photoshoot with a great photographer, and followed by an interview with NTT Docomo!
Bye for now!