First i started my day with a big bowl of fruits, organic cereals and yogurt and with a cup of fresh organic coffee from Peru. And, then I jumped in my AUDI Q5 and drove my 2 boys to school.
Afterward I met my friends Andrea, Tina, Asami and Hiroko at Maria H.’s shop in Aoyama, because Maria was having a sales today (and she will have within the next few days).
I bought the Caftan that Hiroko is modeling above on the picture, and plus, the one piece swimsuit to wear underneath. I am going to Kona in Hawaii in 2 months for Thanksgiving also I will be happy to wear it there.
Go check it, …. it is easy to find and she has many amazing swimsuits on sale from this summer collection!.
Maria’s website again is
Then, I went to Mars The Salon to have my nails done and a pedicure. Two hours of quiet time and pampering time. here with Asami and my 2 pretty and friendly nailsits.
(Someone ask mebefore about my dress…. I bought it a few months ago in Harajuku, at Topshop, it was a special collaboration with a designer that i love,
To go to Mars….
I felt asleep and woke up very relaxed… then I went to Toni&Guy in Harajuku to have my highlights done as well as a cut by Sunao. I met Chiaki one of my student from my DVD series. I was really happy to see her. She looked great and Sunao had just cut and colored her hair and she looked happy and so confident… when I remeber how she was when i met her at the audition… incredible! Well you will have to wait until my DVDs come out around the end of November…. you can see my hair is wrapped into many pieces of aluminium! I look like a nuclear plant!
Then my personal naturopath Kitahara sensei came to see me to talk about my latest hormone test results…. I will have to explain more about what I am doing since 6 months ago to be-feel-younger….. in another post!
I read two magazines ELLE and VOGUE UK. Love the fashion for this winter, very chic! I read a story about friendship, very nice. Friendship is so important to me… it is like an engine that keeps me going, growling, growing! Thank you Andrea for my nice summer gift, a McQueen long flashy pink t-shirt, you are the sweetest!
My nails as always… turquoise blue. I cannot stop doing the same color, like a signature.
And my latest bag… i love! Another one from Marc Jacobs (hum… I am really addicted!). It is perfect for any occasion….. from being a Mom in the morning, having lunch with friends, during working hours in the afternoon and for diner out at night.
Then I went back to the Chanel building on Omotesando and straight to the B2 where I parked my Q5. How many parking charge only a maximum of 2,000 yen for the whole day? And take you up and down seated inside your car (air-conditionning very important in Ausgust in Tokyo!) in a giant elevator???!!! yes, your car inside the elevator with you!
As you can see, I am always the only one parking my car from the front…. but it is perfectly parked!
Actually, the only place as well, where the parking attendant does not run toward me screaming DAMME! (NO!) because he wants me to turn my car around!!…. do not ask the reason, I could never get the answer (and I perfectly understand Japanese :)))
Can you see the elevator? I am ready to get in,,,, driving my car. You should try it next time. The entrance is inside the street located on the left side of the Chanel shop, again, on the Omotesando avenue.
By for today! Wrroooommmmmm!!!
Going to bed, already 10 pm and tomorrow early I am going to Nagoya for a big conference, with many Japanese TV productions, and I MUST look good (>>>). Gambaremasu!
今日の私の一日は、まず大きなボールに入ったたくさんのフルーツとオーガニックのシリアル、そしてヨーグルトとペルー産のフレッシュオーガニックコーヒーを頂くことから始まったわ。食事が済んだら、私の愛車AUDI Q5に飛び乗って、子供達を学校に送って行ったわ。
その後友達の Andrea, Tina, あさみ, 寛子と青山にあるお店Maria H.で合流。友人のMariaの店が今日セールを行っていたの。 (セールはあと数日間行う予定だそうよ)
そして次は、手足のカルジェルリペアの為にMars The Salonを訪れたわ。静かで優雅な2時間。あさみと2人のフレンドリーで可愛いネイリストと一緒に。
ネイルをしてもらっている間はリラックスしてそのまま熟睡。スッキリした気分で起きた後は、原宿のToni&Guyへ。いつもお願いしている秋山すなお氏によるカットと専門のカラーリストによるカラー。そこで偶然にも私のDVDシリーズに出演している生徒の一人、ちあきに遭遇。とても嬉しかったわ。彼女もちょうどすなお氏にカットとカラーをしてもらった後で、とてもハッピーで自信に満ち溢れたオーラを放っていたわ。 DVDのオーディションの時から比べたら、、見違えるように更に素敵になっていて驚いたわ。今年末に発売予定のDVD、是非楽しみにしていてね。それにしてもたくさんのアルミニウムに覆われたこの頭、、、まるで核兵器の設備みたいよね!
そして、雑誌2冊:ELLEとVOGUE UKを読んだわ。今季の冬服が今から楽しみよ、とてもシックで大好きだわ!その雑誌の中で友情についての項目があったの。とても良い内容だった。友情は私にとってとても大切よ。自分を成長させてくれる、そして自分に活力をくれるエンジンみたいなもの!友達のAndreaに素敵な夏のギフトを頂いたばかり。McQueenの鮮やかなピンクの長袖シャツ。ありがとうAndreaI、大好きよ!
そして私の最新バッグ。とてもお気に入りなの!Marc Jacobs よ。(どうやら私本当にMarc Jacobs中毒みたいね!) どんな場にも合うの。例えば母として朝子供達を送っていく時も、友人とランチに行く時も、はたまた日中仕事をしている時も、または夜ディナーに出かける時も、、、。
その後表参道のシャネルビルに戻り、私の愛車Audi Q5を停めているB2に直行。1日の駐車料金がmax2千円なのに、車に乗車したまま冷房設備も完備しているエレベーターで昇降できるエレベーターなんて素晴らしいわよね!(東京の8月はクーラーなしでは無理!)
もう夜の10時、そろそろ寝る時間だわ。明日は朝早くに名古屋に行くの。たくさんの日本のテレビプロデューサーの方々が参加される大きなカンファレンスでDVDの発表をするのよ。だから今日はヘアやネイルのケアに行ってきたの。 (>>>). 頑張ります!