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Outfit Magic

Spoke with Maiko yesterday along time, she was very happy. She called me just before I was getting to bed, the house was quiet and peaceful because my boys were in bed already, also it was nice to have a quality time to discuss about the competition. Maiko was in between rehearsals. She says that everyone is getting really well together and that Vegas is so much fun.

She told me the story of when all the delegates had to go first to the National Gift Auction, second to the Welcome Presentation and third to the Pool Party.

The chaperons told the delegates that they had to choose something that could go well for the 3 events, as they would not have time to go back to their room and to get changed each time in between.

For the National Gift Auction, Maiko really wanted to wear her own kimono, that she received for her 21st birthday, it is a tradition in Japan.

But what about the pool party in a Kimono?… Also, she decided to wear the Alexander Wang dress UNDERNEATH her kimono. And then, right after the national gift auction, she ran to the bathroom and took out the kimono and changed her shoes. She then reappeared outside of the toilet in her party dress with accessories! Smart cookie!

Her chaperon asked her when she saw her coming out…-” how on earth did you do that”!!?? Maiko smiled and said…-” If you don’t mind, my kimono outfit is inside my bag now”.

Can you see that she wears an other outfit under her kimono? That’s my girl!! :))))


Rehearsals center stage

She is very happy because she will be center stage during the opening, same as Riyo Mori in 2007. Jamaica is right in the middle and Japan is behind her. She says that Jamaica is the best dancer, extremely graceful. Maiko adores Jamaica, she says that she is like an angel, sweet, caring, elegant and friendly. She says that she is smart and sharp, also Maiko enjoys talking with her a lot. Remember, they are always next to each others at events because of the alphabetic order of their countries. She says that Italy is hilarious and also very close to them. She thinks that Ireland would be a huge hit in Japan because she is very kawaii, (cute, sweet, natural) and that her personality and her beauty would make her very popular among young Japanese people.

Maiko other closest friends in the competition, are:

T&T, Maiko said… wow, she is amazing! That even if looking for a problem, you could not find any because she is just perfect.

Puerto Rico, Maiko said…. she is a Barbie doll with the funniest and sweetest personality. She is classy, smart and stylish.





The interview with the judges! Most of the girls are wearing white in this photo, it looks nice and sharp.

Maiko wears a chic silver GUCCI dress of this season. ( THE dress that appeared in all the campaigns around the world for the summer). Good choice!

Gambate Maiko!


ラスベガス ニュース

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でも、次のプールパーティーに着物はないわよね? だから彼女、着物の下にAlexander Wangのドレスを着ることにしたの。そしてナショナルギフトオークション後に急いでトイレへ行って着物を脱いで靴を履き替えたんですって。トイレから出てきた彼女はプールパーティー仕様よ!なんて切れ者!!


彼女のこの着物の下にもう一枚服を着ているだなんて想像が付く?さすがだわ! :))))





トリニダード&トバゴ, 麻衣子曰く、「彼女は素晴らしい!何か難点を見つけようとしても無理。だって彼女は完璧だもの。」

プエルトリコ, 麻衣子曰く、「彼女は面白さと可愛らしさを併せ持つバービー人形のよう。気品があって、頭が良くそしてスタイリッシュ。」









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