Dear all, I just arrived in Paris. I am now at the lounge waiting for our connection to Montpellier. It has been a long flight with babies and children crying all over the plane… family holiday times… when one child cries, all of them start crying… a real symphony for the ears but not the right one when you want to sleep… (!)
Luca and Noa are next to me and listening to the Black Eye Peas on their i-Pods. My husband had to deliver the Keisho Mawashi that was given as a thank you gift from Ozeki sumo Konishiki, to the Prince of Dubai, Sheik Mohammed, also he took a different route to France than th3 3 of us. He stop in Dubai for 5 hours only, just time to go to the Prince offices in town…. crazy schedule! But for a Prince, what wouldn’t you do to say thank you….
Ken will be landing in Marseille from Dubai and will drive to meet us at home. Then he will drive from Marseille to Montpelier. It is actually quite a nice drive with lots of greenery.
My Father is preparing lunch for us today, he was a Chef at Maxime for years and he also worked at La Tour D’argent when young. He is an incredible cook and we love to be home just to enjoy his meals everyday. Actually I have never seen my Mom preparing lunch or diner for us… women were not allowed in the kitchen when I was young with my little sister.
My Grandfather, Felix Ligron, was also a Chef. My brother, Philippe Ligron, became a Chef as well, and he teaches at the prestigious Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne. He appears quite often on TV in Switzerland. I meet many of his ex-students around the world being having high position in top class hotels. He also has establised 3 schools around the world on behalf of l’Ecole Hoteliere in 3rd world countries like Cambodia.
My Mom was an actress in France, also we are all creative in my family, my sister Mimi Ligron, being a hairstylist and an incredibly talented one.
Must feed my boys for breakfast, now 6 am…. departing soon. I am so excited to see my family again, I have not seen them for too long. It is hard some time to be emigrants like me and living far away from those that you love more than anything in the world.
A bientot, I will post many pictures!!!
Love, ines
ルカとノアは私の隣に座ってiPodでBlack Eyed Peasの音楽を聴いているわ。夫は、元大関小錦から引き継いだ感謝のギフトの相撲のまわしを、ドバイのプリンス Sheik Mohammedに届けにドバイに行っているの。そしてその後別ルートでフランスに来るのよ。ドバイにはプリンスのオフィスに行く為だけの5時間しか滞在しないの....クレイジーなスケジュールだわ!でもプリンスには、やはり感謝の気持ちをあらわさずにはいられないわ....。
今日私の父親が私達の為にランチを用意してくれているの、父は数年間マキシムのシェフを務めていて、若い頃はLa Tour D'argentで働いていたの。父は素晴らしい料理人なので、私達は毎日彼の料理を食べるのが楽しみで仕方ないのよ。 実は母が私達の為に昼食や夕食を用意してくれたところを見たことがないかも、、、。私が子供の頃妹と共に、女性はキッチンに入れてもらえなかったの。
私の祖父、Felix Ligronもまたシェフだったの。私の弟Philippe Ligronもシェフになって、prestigious Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanneで教えているのよ。彼はスイスのテレビによく出演しているの。私は、彼の元生徒が世界中の有名なホテルで活躍している姿をよく目にしているわ。 彼はまたカンボジアのような第3国に、l'Ecole Hoteliereのような3つの学校を設立したの。
私の母親は昔フランスで女優をしていて、妹のMimi Ligronはヘアスタイリストになり才能を発揮しているわ。私の家族は皆クリエイティブな人達ばかり。
Love, イネス