あなたが晴れた日しか楽しいことがないと思っているなら、雪の中で踊ってみて!Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the snow.
私は東京の雪が大好きよ!I love Snow in Tokyo!!!
今朝撮った、雪に覆われた我が家のテラスです。Picture of my snowy terraces this morning!
….. and it is nice when it is warm inside your home and cold outside…. I am now at home, working on my DVDs.
I cannot wait to start shootings, the production crew is incredible.
For exemple, both the stage designer and the dress stylist have worked for the movie called Kill Bill, directed by Quentin Tarentino and featuring actresses Uma Thurman and Lucy Liu. many of the production staffs are awards winners.